you guys have a good weekend?


Glad we had a nice weekend with no rain... + we needed a new post.. did you guys get alot done?
I had a competitor make a special out of the way trip to watch us work. They had 5 guys and the owner show up plus they were taking pictures of us working. It's nice to be so loved....
The flooding looks terrible.. The weather got CRAZY here in Arkansas last night.. We have another round of it headed our way.. Be safe everyone.
That sucks Ron I hope you dont have too much damage. I hate seeing pictures like that it just makes me feel sick since I have had flooding several times myself but I'm not on a river.
Tree Down!!!! Thank God it was a small one! We got more comming buddy.. Be safe.. If you need me call and Ill be there.
Weird weather! We are possibly going to get snow for the next 2 days. Mother nature can't seem to make up her mind! Post some more photos tomorrow morning Ron. I wanna see how much it rose again overnight. Thanks!
Sorry to hear about the flooding, I hate to see people's hard earned things getting damaged at no fault of their own.
Ron looks like the rain might give us a break for the next couple of days......Maybe if we get lucky the wind will die down a little too.
We're all battened down here......again. Who said NC could become the new Oklahoma :mad:
Its getting rough out there a customer of mine just called he said they had baseball size hail! He sent a picture and I would hate to be out in that. Good luck all of you in the danger zone.