You got to Love Ted Nugent!!

I guess the difference is, Ted grew up and changed his views. Bill and his type haven't. They still hate everything this country was founded on.

Everybody does stupid things when they are young.
Nugent is from Michigan, my home state.
He had a Band called the Amboy Dukes.
One of their songs was about Acid (LSD) and no, I do NOT mean "limited slip differential" :confused:
That song was called "Journey to the center of the mind"
On THAT album, there is a song called "Down On Phillips Escalator"
Take the First 4 letters of that song and WHAT does it spell ?
THEN, when it is fashionable, he says " I Never took drugs" :confused:

Personally, I LIKE his Pro Right To Bear Arms Stance though.
Once the Government disarms us, they will do what they want :mad:
Funny, they are doing it anyway, lately !!
Nugent Goes Off When Asked For Autograph

Watch this ?

<EMBED height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src= allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
Mr "Bad Azz" Folds Like A Deck Of Cards

Here is the tuff talking Ted Nugent folding like a deck of cards when challenged :confused:

<EMBED height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src= allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
OOPS, posted the wrong Video.
Unable to edit.
Here is the one where he backs down from a Fan who calls him out.

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Good thing George W. is not in the Guard today???
LOL, actually George W actually grew on me towards the end of his term.
His idea of tax CUTS were good.
If you rem,ember, we were going into a recession and he cut taxes ?
This bought us some time.
I think if we spent 1/8 as much ontax cuts vs bailouts, we would be OUT of this mess.
Now, our Grandkids are in hock, with no end in sight ?
IF GM goes down, it will send shockwaves through the economy!
My advice ??
We aint seen the worst YET :(
Only cops should have guns. :cool:
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I am proud of all my buddies who have served in the military. I have a special album on my myspace page (not to sound cheesy) for them.

I am not sure if I support Ted Nugent since he was not in the military...but I do agree with his views on guns.

Sorry if this is a bit off topic. I just try and let people know how proud I am of my buddies who have sacrificed for me and my family.:)

I'm not all that crazy about the Motor City Madman, either, but I do kind of like "Journey To The Center Of The Mind." (I'm playing it as I type this. :D )

PS...I did try to enlist myself but was DQ'd for medical reasons. Had a great ASVAB score...but couldn't hack the PT Test. :(
Well, you tried, Nichole.

And just so everyone knows where I'm coming from, I was never in the Guard, but I think I was in the AF Reserve for just under a week. I first signed the papers thirty-five years ago yesterday (05/17). Less than a week later, I went on active duty. I guess I must have avoided the draft by doing that, and cleverly got out of being sent to Nam.


Only cops should have guns. :cool:
<EMBED height=265 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=320 src= allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
OMG Tony, did that Cop SHOOT the person getting handcuffed ?
Do NOT get me started about COPS ??
Here in Tampa, the Jail Cops actually dumped a guy out of a wheel chair !
Yep, it made National News !
Here ya go Tony :(
Out of Control Cops :mad:
<EMBED height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src= allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
Here ya go Tony :(
Out of Control Cops :mad:
<EMBED height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src= allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

Believe me, you don't want to get me started on them either. Look up the statistics in Las Vegas - about 3 years ago a cop got shot. Since then police have killed more than 4 times the number of suspects than they did prior to the cop killing.

They shot a 40 year old woman last year in front of her children alongside the ice cream truck she drove. Witnesses said she had a knife to her own throat because the police had ticketed her husband three times in the past 24 hours trying to run them out of business. One cop had a premature eja...... and that started a few more of them firing till they shot her dead right in front of her kids. They were never closer than ten feet to her and she was sitting down on the ground. They are lying sacks of crap.

Last week a cop was speeding without his lights on "responding to a call" ;) when an unsuspecting driver pulled out in front of him without seeing him. The cop died. ALL the witnesses on the scene said the cop DID NOT have on lights and sirens. For three days ALL the pansy tv stations tagged the story with "a police officer responding to a call with his lights and sirens on was killed" until one of the witnesses hired a lawyer because the TV stations removed his statement they showed the first day. Then all the sudden the "drunk" driver (who showed NO ALCHOHOL in his bloodstream) was released without much fanfare.

There can be no respect for the law when it is upheld by cops with no morals and with a propensity to lie. Respect for the police could come back quickly if, as soon as caught in ONE lie they are fired and upheld to the public as the moral degenerates they are. This won't happen because it goes all the way to the top. Just ask anybody who lives in New Orleans.
I like how the guys try to haggle with him on the price when he tells them that it is for a benefit for the kids and they still want to haggle. What crackheads.

Ted is a very smart guy and does a lot for the kids all over, too bad there are not more people out there that try to help out the kids.

I am sure that if there wasn't a cop there within 10 feet he would have got into a fight but he is smarter than that. The dumbasses that do not think are usually the ones that end up in jail when it could have been avoided.

This guy is probably going to jail for threatening him, another dumbass going to jail. He should have just called him out to the parking lot or to another part of the store where the cop wasn't. Many ways to get your throwdown on without having to be on tv or needing attention.

Well, you tried, Nichole.

And just so everyone knows where I'm coming from, I was never in the Guard, but I think I was in the AF Reserve for just under a week. I first signed the papers thirty-five years ago yesterday (05/17). Less than a week later, I went on active duty. I guess I must have avoided the draft by doing that, and cleverly got out of being sent to Nam.


I see a Security Police badge and a SAC emblem. Haven't seen those in a long time. I hated recalls, BUFFS and mms guys. I was k / 9. Did 2 yrs in the 43 SPS at Andersen and finished in S.D. ... Ellsworth