You got to Love Ted Nugent!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
I guess he's a super-Patriot now that he's safe from the draft.
dudes a douchebag...funniest thing i have ever seen on a reality tv show is him carving his leg up with a oversized chainsaw lol.....
Yea Ted needs to be like the rest of Hollywierd and the Entertainment industry, so he can REALLY BE A Bouche Bag, LETS FACE IT WE NEED MORE Douche Bags IN OUR COUNTRY lol you know the ones that run for Cover if they hear a car backfire ;) or give advice on Global Warming........
Yea Ted needs to be like the rest of Hollywierd and the Entertainment industry, so he can REALLY BE A Bouche Bag, LETS FACE IT WE NEED MORE Douche Bags IN OUR COUNTRY lol you know the ones that run for Cover if they hear a car backfire ;) or give advice on Global Warming........

Preach it Brother Terry!! I like Ted. (Nugent, not Kennedy)
I'm safe from the draft too but I never considered my self a douche bag. You guys that criticize Ted I'm sure have served your country in the military and I appreciate your service to our country.
I'm safe from the draft too but I never considered my self a douche bag. You guys that criticize Ted I'm sure have served your country in the military and I appreciate your service to our country.

I'm safe too. It's amazing how Rush Limbaugh and Ted Nugent are "draft dodgers" but Bill Clinton wasn't.


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I like that Tony, Clinton LOL Speaking of Clinton, There is a Chicken Fast Food place selling Hillary Chicken Dinners ( You get 2 Fat Thighs 2 Small breast and 1 LEFT WING :D ) Man what a Chicken Dinner, what more could you want...........chicken is what's for dinner
All politicians are douche bags! They all avoid the military, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfleld. The only two recent presidents that were in the military was Bush SR. (pilot), and Carter (nuclear sub commander).

All I'm saying is that a lot of the people lining up behind Ted Nugent don't realize that he never put his money (or his @$$) where his mouth is. He is a hypocrite.

I still dig "Stranglehold".

I guess the difference is, Ted grew up and changed his views. Bill and his type haven't. They still hate everything this country was founded on.

Everybody does stupid things when they are young.
All politicians are douche bags! They all avoid the military, Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfleld. The only two recent presidents that were in the military was Bush SR. (pilot), and Carter (nuclear sub commander).
So the National Guard isn't "military," and all those Guard units in Iraq can just come home whenever they want? Wow, who knew . . . :rolleyes:

Maybe you should go up to some of the 125th Fighter Wing guys at Jacksonville or Homestead and tell them they're not really military pilots.

Being an ANG pilot was no guaranteed way to avoid being sent to Vietnam: "Four tactical fighter squadrons--the 120th (Colorado), 174th (Iowa), 188th (New Mexico), and 136th (New York)--deployed to Vietnam. And although not an Air National Guard unit, the National Guard can claim credit for a fifth squadron, the 3755th: 85% of this tactical fighter squadron's personnel were Air Guard volunteers from New Jersey and the District of Columbia.* The combat record of these five squadrons was summed up by the Air Force Commander in Vietnam, testifying before the Senate Committee:
'I had . . . five F-100 Air National Guard squadrons . . . Those were the five best F-100 squadrons in the field. The aircrews were a little older, but they were more experienced, and the maintenance people were also more experienced than the regular units. They had done the same work on the weapon system for years, and they had stability that a regular unit doesn't have.'" BTW, the article containing the above information (The Air Guard in Vietnam) gives an incorrect date. ANG units began flying support missions into the RVN in 1962. (133rd Airlift Wing based at Minneapolis-St. Louis International Airport, and subordinate squadrons from Schenectady, N.Y, and Manchester, N.H.) *The squadron named as the "3755th" was actually the 355th Tactical Fighter Squadron, which was assigned to the 37th TFW, and later the 31st TFW, where it was manned by ANG personnel from New York and New Mexico.

[FONT=arial,helvetica]From F-102 in Vietnam: "The Air National Guard has often been ridiculed as a safe place for military duty during the Vietnam War. However, pilots from the 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, as it was called at the time, were actually conducting combat missions in Vietnam when Bush enlisted. Air Force F-102 squadrons had been stationed in Thailand since 1961 and South Vietnam since March 1962. It was during this time that the Kennedy administration began building up a large US military presence in the region as a deterrent against North Vietnamese invasion."[/FONT] When Bush Jr. was a pilot, they also patrolled the Gulf Coast against incursions from Soviet aircraft based in Cuba. But since the U.S. was never actually attacked from there, that wasn't "real military duty" either, right?
So the National Guard isn't "military," and all those Guard units in Iraq can just come home whenever they want? Wow, who knew . . . :rolleyes:

What sucks about being in the National Guard right now is that you are actually more inclined to get shipped out than active duty. I graduated from HS in JROTC. About 15 of my buddies went into the military right away. Of the 15 about 10 went into the National Guard. Of those 10, 4 have been on 3 - 4 tours in Iraq and Afganistan. A few were even heavily involved with the Katrina evacuations and cleanup. They have been on more tours than the guys who went active duty. My buddy Trey is home on leave right now from National Guard. He was active duty Army first but signed up for National Guard cause he would get more tours. My best bud Mikki has had 3 tours. 2 voluntary and 1 manditory. He is doing OWT right now (training soldiers who are getting ready to be deployed).

I am proud of all my buddies who have served in the military. I have a special album on my myspace page (not to sound cheesy) for them.

I am not sure if I support Ted Nugent since he was not in the military...but I do agree with his views on guns.

Sorry if this is a bit off topic. I just try and let people know how proud I am of my buddies who have sacrificed for me and my family.:)

PS...I did try to enlist myself but was DQ'd for medical reasons. Had a great ASVAB score...but couldn't hack the PT Test. :(