X-Jet M5

Looks like you can do most of your work the way that truck is setup, looks good.
Looks like you can do most of your work the way that truck is setup, looks good.
Yeah, my trailer was only a 5x10, so I am losing a little space, but the ironic thing is I had less equipment when I was using the trailer. Having the reels attached to the utility rack saves me space. I can fit anything I need. It's an 8 foot bed. Now if I can keep using the 100 gallon buffer tank with a 10 gpm unit. Gonna try 2 feed reels first, if I can't, it's back to a friggin' trailer.
I have had to have 3 or 4 supply hoses to feed 3 machines in the past doing large projects with the 325 gallon tank, all on the 14' trailer.

As long as you have enough supply coming in for the machines you will not have a problem.
Chem ratio

I have a 8pm pump . General pump high draw injector . 100 up to 200 foot of hose . I just bought a j rod with 6560, 6520, 0060,0020 with that draw my soap you think ? And I'm new into washing . With my 5 gallon buckets what mix ration for standard flat work . 12.5 SH PLUS H20 and I also have ebc, lemonade for my SH AND ROOF SNOT When I do my vertical work . I also bought a xjet m5 and haven't used it yet also . Thanks for your help
Injector says it goes to 20% but I think it's close to a 15:1