Alexa is really worthless for our type of business. A person has to have the alexa toolbar attached to their browser. The people that use alexa are primarily more the computer geek type. (webmasters and such)
I'm surprised you say that!!! Ken, alexa is used by wall street investors and is regonized in the web arena as being it!!!!!!!!
Anyone can set a random hitter on anysite and make false traffic. cant forged thousands of IP adresses. ( not easily)
I have heard the claims in the past about false numbers, if this is so simple and the numbers are false here why cant others prove it and duplicate it?
I personally do nothing but visit this site a couple times a week. I barley put any effort into the site much less false hitters to affect a number I dont even care about.
PWI was the number #1 PW site at one time. Delco was number 1 when PWI took the lead. it has dropped over the years but remains stable at a certain number hitting it everyday.