This was actually the first thing that I have read or heard about a RT that made me even think about attending one.
I am sure I would have a great time meeting people, always nice to put a face to a name but that really does not motivate me to attend.
There are maybe three people that I would like to hear give a presentation but even then not sure I would want to go to a RT just for that.
I have seen the pics, the videos from the RT's, still not a whole lot to get me to want to attend.
I hav talked to a few guys and all they ever say is it "was like a pep rally" it "motivated me"...... My P&L is enough motivation for me.
Maybe I am a bit too cynical about these things but unless there was one during the middle of the week (I have my reasons for this, can anyone guess) in a nearby and desriable city....I just can't imagine going.
Charleston is in the middle of week starting on 28 29 & 30
over 60 manufactures and 22 dist will attend to make this a huge event. This will have sales training, motivation, sales & PWNA boot camps.
This is on a tues wed & thursday, last year 73 showed in WI during the middle of the week.
Roundtables are different flavors for different folks, if you want to know about the millions made no one is telling or sharing that info. SHHHHHHHH
Like anything in life its what you make of it, some come and get instant payback. Others dont care and some are just having a difficult time figuring how and why some turn roundtables into dollars.
Others leave with a piece of equipment that might make them more dollars, some learn a new technic that makes them profitable.
Mike you sound like a smart fellow, I learned from a guy coming to this roundtable about a simple idea that has made the difference in my PL.
I share the idea with all in attendance. I now have my freinds using the tool for sales and with success they are making sales directly related to this idea. Customers love the method and its a very simple idea, not even expensive to use.
Contractors have hooked up for litterally million dollar deals, i'm not at liberty to mention them as this is there personal business.
What more can I say then stay home if you want to stay simple and not take it to the next level. Its all your choice?????????