Who will the next president be?

First job of a politician is to get relected. Sad but true.

True but it has gotten ridiculous the past 15-20 years. I have been following politics for many years and the last couple decades it's been endless catering to their base and endless running. Its like seeing Christmas decorations 4 weeks before Halloween, it use to be after or right before Thanksgiving. How do politicians do the PEOPLES work when most of their time within a few months of getting elected is just going right back to fund raising. Its really become a corupt process. We really should take our Gov back. Term Limits, No life time bennies, limit who they can get donations from and see who really wants to run for office to serve the PEOPLE not themselves and the special interest that fund them

Whether you are republican Dem or Independent, we all should be disgusted
True but it has gotten ridiculous the past 15-20 years. I have been following politics for many years and the last couple decades it's been endless catering to their base and endless running. Its like seeing Christmas decorations 4 weeks before Halloween, it use to be after or right before Thanksgiving. How do politicians do the PEOPLES work when most of their time within a few months of getting elected is just going right back to fund raising. Its really become a corupt process. We really should take our Gov back. Term Limits, No life time bennies, limit who they can get donations from and see who really wants to run for office to serve the PEOPLE not themselves and the special interest that fund them

Whether you are republican Dem or Independent, we all should be disgusted

Jeff stop sounding like a libertarian unless you are ready to change you registration card.

After sitting in a restaurant on capitol hill and listening to the blowhards we have in congress now, there is no chance without radical change.

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Jeff stop sounding like a libertarian unless you are ready to change you registration card.

After sitting in a restaurant on capitol hill and listening to the blowhards we have in congress now, there is no chance without radical change.

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Tony, if the Libertarians started getting voted in, in larger numbers, they would do the same thing as the rest in short time. Washington, power & egos corrupt.

Radical change, Term Limits, end of life time bennies, they pay half their health insurance, get rid of all special interest money, get rid of PACS etc etc, I am all for that kind of radical change. To bad as Americans we are to complacent. We say throw the bums out, but keep electing 3/4's of the same bums over and over
I really don't think it matters at this point, we are circling the drain and none of them can stop the spiral fast enough. If we are to survive this everything needs to be overturned, the tax laws, term limits, handouts, the Fed, congress, war, immigration, it goes on and on !! The money that is spent to defend other countries, along with welfare in this country is mind boggling. I hope we all wake up before it's all to late, although I think we are real close to being there already. My prediction is very very hard times in the next 2 yrs, I know I sound like a downer but this feeling is thick it's in the air.

I cant go anywhere without people coming up to me with a story of dread, foreclosures are so rampant that HOA's are not collecting enough dues to get work done. Grandkids and parents moving in with grandma & grandpa.....I never thought this way but things have not been good in this world for the last 10 yr's or so, post 9-11 brought huge government and the Patriot Act, seems like this was all in the works of the New World Order?
I still believe Ron Paul is the only one with the right idea. If he were elected he couldn't do a lot alone though. We would have to follow the up by booting out the lifelong politicians in congress.

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I really don't think it matters at this point, we are circling the drain and none of them can stop the spiral fast enough. If we are to survive this everything needs to be overturned, the tax laws, term limits, handouts, the Fed, congress, war, immigration, it goes on and on !! The money that is spent to defend other countries, along with welfare in this country is mind boggling. I hope we all wake up before it's all to late, although I think we are real close to being there already. My prediction is very very hard times in the next 2 yrs, I know I sound like a downer but this feeling is thick it's in the air.

I cant go anywhere without people coming up to me with a story of dread, foreclosures are so rampant that HOA's are not collecting enough dues to get work done. Grandkids and parents moving in with grandma & grandpa.....I never thought this way but things have not been good in this world for the last 10 yr's or so, post 9-11 brought huge government and the Patriot Act, seems like this was all in the works of the New World Order?

First heard that phrase Ronald regan

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
I still believe Ron Paul is the only one with the right idea. If he were elected he couldn't do a lot alone though. We would have to follow the up by booting out the lifelong politicians in congress.

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I agree but the left will make him out to be crazy. The minute someone comes along who has a great agenda, something that will actually work, they beat them down. If you don't clean house and hold the new people accountable it wont work. The Prez cannot do it alone, he needs all the constituents to be along for the ride or it will never change, you can't make policy without the help of everyone.
It's not only the left Jeff. The republicans have my mom convinced that Ron Paul will be giving out free heroin to everybody. He has simply stated that the Federal Government has no jurisdiction to make drug laws and it's up to the individual states. But both parties use seniors to their advantage by exaggerating everything to scare them.
It's not only the left Jeff. The republicans have my mom convinced that Ron Paul will be giving out free heroin to everybody. He has simply stated that the Federal Government has no jurisdiction to make drug laws and it's up to the individual states. But both parties use seniors to their advantage by exaggerating everything to scare them.

It was funny during one of the debates he asked the audience, If we make Heroin legal tomorrow how many of you will go out and do it? He got a huge laugh and an ovation. It's simple logic, those that use will find a way to use legal or not, the big difference is that we stop the drug trade dead in it's tracks if drugs become legal and we control it. Then take all the money saved from fighting the on going war on drugs and all the border killings and trafficking, and open up clinics to help the idiots who cant help themselves. As far as weed goes, I cant believe that cigarettes can be legal and weed is not, it's a know fact that no one is dying from smoking pot. It is actually helping alot of terminally ill people cope with their illnesses.
Obama has to go he is letting over 12000 inmates out of federal prison because he said they were selling crack which carryed a stiffer sentence and it was racial motivated go figure.

Dang Tony, you sneaking around taking pix of my living conditions again?

I was looking at Perry cause of the Texas factor but Herman Cane is sounding so Reaganesc...

Obama has to go he is letting over 12000 inmates out of federal prison because he said they were selling crack which carryed a stiffer sentence and it was racial motivated go figure.

Hal, this is one rare case where his motive may be wrong but the outcome is right. The founding fathers did not give the federal government the right to charge any citizen with any crime that isn't outlined within the constitution as falling within the jurisdiction of the federal government i.e. treason, counterfeiting, crimes at sea, etc.

Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Obama has to go he is letting over 12000 inmates out of federal prison because he said they were selling crack which carryed a stiffer sentence and it was racial motivated go figure.

Is that really true

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
No way. He has already made too many gaffs. I kind of feel as if we have not seen the eventual winner, yet. I will probably declare next week...
So had George bush jr by this time during the 2000 election. Everyone said he was to stupid to beat al gore. I'll let history speak for itself. Just wait until after Iowa when Perry starts spending money on ads. Gengrich will be below 10% once he gets trounced in Iowa and Perry and santorum will rise with Perry being the eventual winner.
So had George bush jr by this time during the 2000 election. Everyone said he was to stupid to beat al gore. I'll let history speak for itself. Just wait until after Iowa when Perry starts spending money on ads. Gengrich will be below 10% once he gets trounced in Iowa and Perry and santorum will rise with Perry being the eventual winner.
Maybe.. This is the worst I can ever recall in my lifetime seeing this country crack almost across the board. I kinda think if Obama looses because he's done nothing for the American economy which may negate the popularity he should have had for Osama bin Laden getting killed during his presidency. The one who can beat Obama my not be on the radar yet.

This reminds me a little when George H.W. Bush rode Ronald Reagon's coat tails into the presidency. GW was pretty good with foreign policy and our military had some excellent Generals back then. GW even barfed on that foreign leader(can't remember who that was or the title he had..but he may have been Japaneze.)

Then some guy who smoked pot but didn't inhale, protested against this country while in Russia during the Vietnam era, led just about the poorest state in the country and didn't help that state out at all, was bopping any broad that looked at him even if they had a nose twice as long as his & they may have looked like the actor Karl Malden(one for the oldtimers), He flowered some madam named Jennifer... And he was a no name... Billary Clinton...er I mean Bill Clinton.

The Economy changed and Bill kept doing his thing chasing interns known for blowing stop signs... Just goes to show ya.. It's who's around these presidents that can make things happen. Besides Our military who killed Osama under Obama's watch the only thing that Obama has done real well is covering the smoking he does like a chimney.

Time for a change.... and there personal lives such as the marriage problems should no longer have a bearing on there presidency.. Just look at Bill.. There's a reason why Hillary was called Billary.

Could Perry be that Guy?? He's gaffed out.. Probably because he can't handle Mitts stares at him. Mitt seems to do everything right but made just a few political blunders that he doesn't seem to be able to shake...

I think it's time to nominate one of our own.. Tony Shelton for president. If people can't agree then we can handle it like they did back when our for fathers ran this country.. Take it out back... Do your 10 step but no cheating dual and that solve that :)