Who will the next president be?

On the republican side... I'm liking Huntsman, for now. Previously liked Newt, Bachmann, Cain, (till he came out with 999). ANYBODY but Obama, that's who's going to get my vote. If we don't put the Libs down this time, we may not get another chance, IMHO.

Imagine a world where the US dollar is not world currency? Can you spell Hyperinflation?
Ron Paul, Hank Williams Jr, Warren Buffet would be my first write in. I wouldnt let this president run a McDonalds no less the country again. Maybe he should try running his own company and see how far he gets. Two weeks and he would be broke. As***le. Our kids are going to pay the price for what he did in four years to this country.
FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Maxx C. Harris: I’ve been reading Herman Cain’s 999 tax plan. He wants to cut all deductions and make businesses, workers and sales tax all nine percent. President Barack Obama tried to cut the corporate-jet tax deduction. Lobbyists and our bought-and-paid-for Congress stopped him. Good luck with getting the elimination of all deductions through Congress. Cain’s plan will look much different when Congress gets through with it.
Will Cain’s plan eliminate the mortgage deduction? Will the real estate lobby and mortgage brokers fight to keep it? Will lobbyists fight to keep the jet write-off as they are under Obama? Will Mitch McConnell give up his horse-racing tax break that he fought so hard to get for his campaign contributors?
Many lobbyists will fight to keep their special tax
In this photo taken Sept. 24, 2011 Republican presidential candidate businessman Herman Cain speaks to delegates at a Florida Republican party convention before a Florida straw poll in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Maxx C. Harris: I’ve been reading Herman Cain’s 999 tax plan. He wants to cut all deductions and make businesses, workers and sales tax all nine percent. President Barack Obama tried to cut the corporate-jet tax deduction. Lobbyists and our bought-and-paid-for Congress stopped him. Good luck with getting the elimination of all deductions through Congress. Cain’s plan will look much different when Congress gets through with it.
Will Cain’s plan eliminate the mortgage deduction? Will the real estate lobby and mortgage brokers fight to keep it? Will lobbyists fight to keep the jet write-off as they are under Obama? Will Mitch McConnell give up his horse-racing tax break that he fought so hard to get for his campaign contributors?
Many lobbyists will fight to keep their special tax breaks.
Newt is the brains, Paul has the balls, Cain has a plan, and best of all he has no political affiliations. I hope we can turn this mess around before the dollar is so weak that it no longer will be the world currency. Gold & Silver continue to grow as the dollar weakens, this can only mean one thing, the global economy is aware that we cant print our way out of this huge mess were in. An economist said in print that if they taxed all Americans at 100% we could not pay down this debt, so not to sound like a nut but I would consider putting whatever you can into precious metals and bullets......lock & load it's going to get real hairy in the next 2 yrs.
Newt will clober anyone in a debate, a little worried about Cain in a debate with the current guy in the WH. I do like Cain. Newt and Cain are my favorites as of now, anybody other then who we have now. Untill I can see that my vote was actually counted I dont trust a voting system whear you dont need ID to vote wtf
Right now we are here:


I'm afraid it's not going to make much difference until we are here again.


I'm afraid that if and when we get "there", it will be on a Global Scale, and there may be no turning back.

Maybe i'm just taking things out of context, but i was under the impression that both our 35th and 41st President's made it perfectly clear...



These speech's somehow got swept under the rug, almost as if they were just blowing smoke or something?
Romney could win, because most republicans will vote for him instead of Obama any day, even if they dont like him. He can also pull some dems and independents.

I don't like his flip flop every other day, but if you want a Republican to win for sure, Romney is your best choice

Newt also could have a chance, but he's just not doing well in the polls. I think many think he just ran to run, not really win.

Cain, after his 9 9 9 I just dont think he will win, but you never know.

I like Huntsman, but he's doing horrible in polls too

Perry, man he had a great chance to be the nominee, but he does horrible every debate

I really dont think the Republicans have a great field this time. It will be interesting to see who the nominee is in the end

Jeb Bush should have run, he would win the nomination and run away with the Presidential election. I just dont think he really wants to be president. I think he's happy with his life as it is. But he would win in a land slide
If i had to bet, i would go Romney. But Newt has expirence,knowlege and a working knowlege of how to deal with congress to get his ideas implemented. Of couse having both chambers of congress is a must first.
Jeff, you didn't pick so well last time. Maybe you should sit this one out :)

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Ya you didnt do to well with Bush in the end

Who are your top 3 choices in order Tony

I'll vote for Obama over Perry or Cain

But it doesn't matter as long as both sides refuse to compromise for the better of the country, instead of worrying if they are going to get elected. Both sides do about 15% work and the other 85% of the time they are running for office. Term Limits, Campaign reform
Ya you didnt do to well with Bush in the endWho are your top 3 choices in order TonyI'll vote for Obama over Perry or CainBut it doesn't matter as long as both sides refuse to compromise for the better of the country, instead of worrying if they are going to get elected. Both sides do about 15% work and the other 85% of the time they are running for office. Term Limits, Campaign reform
First job of a politician is to get relected. Sad but true.
First job of a politician is to get relected. Sad but true.

True but it has gotten ridiculous the past 15-20 years. I have been following politics for many years and the last couple decades it's been endless catering to their base and endless running. Its like seeing Christmas decorations 4 weeks before Halloween, it use to be after or right before Thanksgiving. How do politicians do the PEOPLES work when most of their time within a few months of getting elected is just going right back to fund raising. Its really become a corupt process. We really should take our Gov back. Term Limits, No life time bennies, limit who they can get donations from and see who really wants to run for office to serve the PEOPLE not themselves and the special interest that fund them

Whether you are republican Dem or Independent, we all should be disgusted