Who is Having a Great Week YEar and Life?

My 4th full year at this was the best yet and will likely buy a new house this spring. I have two great part-time employees that I hope to make full time next year as I will build a second rig in 2013 as I continue to get out from "behind the wand." My company just won "Best Cleaning Service" in the Best of St Augustine competition put on by the St Augustine Record newspaper and StAugustine.com. 2013 should be even better!
Not my best year physically, but life is great all the same. This is my first year out from behind the wand and it takes a little getting used to.

Got to spend a lot of time with my family and got to see some places we'd never been and got to go back to some places we haven't seen since our honeymoon over 15 years ago.

Life is good!

Having a great year. Thank the Lord, and have been able to go to Costa Rica on a missions trip with the family, then just got back from a 4 day cruise with the wife. I have some of the best employees and friends that are working with me for 5years now.
Thank you Ron, Russ, Jeff, Nick, Larry, Chris, and many more for so much help over the years.
I dont know that anyone could beat the year we have had, and to be honest, the life I have had. I just hope I can live up to the measure of my blessings.
Our company has been blessed in the last few years. We have been in business for twenty years this year and monetarily we hit the big one this year. That was a goal we thought we would never hit. All ten employees are very happy with our progress and bonuses all around for Christmas.
Medically It's been a tough run for me but more importantly my girls and family are doing great. I'm getting to spend so much more quality time with Kath and my girls and with my business pretty much running itself on the residential side where cash is king--life is good.

The commercial end of my business may have doubled in profits if not more(a few parking garages can do that if your a small company with a hi profit margin) but residential cause it's easy money and you don't have to be there has made this year our best year yet. Can't wait to see what next year brings.
Lets say a prayer that all of this PW community stays healthy, safe and happy for 2013.
This year has been one of the best years for me. I was awarded 2 county contracts this year alone. If I don't get the $$$ I want for the box van I have for sale then I'm going to put it on the road as a residential rig cleaning roofs.
Life is Good in every aspect, I have the best wife, 4 amazing kids, two great dogs. Eight Excelle.......Good Landscape employees, 6 Excellent Pressure Washing Employees. 32% YTD increase over last year in sales, margins are also up significantly. I will close the year at 136% of Budget in my full time job

2013 is going to be even better, continued growth.

Good Luck to All!