Guy Blackmon
Roundtable Host 2009
Where the hell are we going, the inagural ball? The secrect service needs to have our background checks done and IDs printed before hand? LOL come on its a workshop
Hey Robert why not take the sarcasm down a notch or 20. If you've never put on an event like this then you have no idea what it takes to do this. If the room for the workshop is only a certain size then it will only fit a certain amount of people, got to know how much printed (Or Whatever) material you'll need for each attendee.....etc. It ain't like this is the first time you have heard about this workshop, I think it's been said time and time again that There Is A Cut Off Date For The Workshop.
Commits like that are pretty disrespectful Robert, you have no idea how much work goes in to putting on one of these workshops.