votes based on customer service, and Long-Term-Low-Cost.
Great votes for great people !
I see y'all get it, ..when I say.. "Respect the tech"..
Every purchase is a "technical purchase" in this industry,
VALUE is the key,
and when people back-up what they sell with intelligent input,
"actually-constructive" criticism, real-world experience-based knowlege,
you see their names light-up the eyes and voices of happy customers.
This is old-fashioned "sustainable business".
You deserve the product-knowlege in-front-of the sale,
options and details within the sale,
and a spine-supported customer-service style after the sale,
especially "in front of" your best customer, on a difficult day.
Who has the lowest price, is not the point here, and I'm glad to see
these votes are based on customer service, and Long-Term-Low-Cost.
As a manufacturer, I'm interested in who YOU vote for,
as they are the BEST qualified to be dealers of my products.
Do for YOUR customers exactly what these celebrated suppliers
have done for you..
Reliability, Long-Term.
Respect the "tech".. as he explains HOW, and WHY,
..and "hand-feeds" a sustainable relationship.
We ALL should "work HARD for the referrals". Eh?