Where's Robert Hinderliter when you need him?

I will never order anything from Powerwash.com.

If you will notice on every single page not matter what state you click on looking for anything to buy for powerwashing you will find POWERWASH.COM. Usually the very first listing.

Why is that?

Here's why.

The Hinderliters own the PWNA. It is their own personal sales tool.

How can that be? you might ask.

Here's how:

According to the PwNA minutes there were 239 members last year in April. The nearest annual meeting I could find for 2013 was in May where it was reported that they had 219 members.

They are losing members, that's a fact. But where are the new members coming from that are keeping them above the 200 mark?

I'll tell you where they are coming from. It tells you right on their P&L statement. The Hinderliters are giving them away as part of their "training" courses.

The P&L from Apr, 12 to May 13 shows only 26 new members who paid their own dues.

BUT - It shows 33 members who had their dues paid by "DELUXE" (powerwash.com)

The the number of real members who paid their own way is 219-33 = 186 and dropping every month.

If powerwash.com paid for the memberships of more than 55% of the new members in the past year, how many of the total membership do you thing powerwash.com owns, bought and paid for? How many of the board members, committees and others making decisions have been bought and paid for by powerwash.com?

We may never know.

But at least we know now why nothing has been done about the criminal activities conducted by the environmental committee by tricking an official into speaking at a closed meeting and the violation of this code of ethics quote from their own webpage:

As a member of PWNA, I believe in fair and honorable practices and pledge to maintain the highest ethical standards in my business, and I obligate myself and my employees to work by the following Code of Ethics:

I will, at all times, conduct my business in a fair and honorable manner. I pledge to represent our products and services as they actually are, to do what I promise and to promise only what I reasonably can do, to compete fairly with others on the basis of the merit of my products and services, and to refrain from making false or misleading statements about my competitors or their products or services.

It's time we stop referring to them as the PWNA and just start calling them PW.COM
After looking around it looks like there are few if any distributors who are members of the PW.COM org who aren't already members of the UAMCC.

My question to the ones who are members of both is how do you feel knowing that every time anyone goes to the PWNA site they are bombarded with your competitor POWERWASH.COM at every turn?

It starts on the home page with the only coupon........Powerwash.com

And of course the $2500 kitchen exhaust cleaning course. Just like the coil cleaning course they offered to split with me over two years ago. No thanks. I'm not splitting anything with anybody with the goal of copying me and trying to put me out of business.

And what about you hard working manufacturers and chemists who build a great product only to have a copy of it sold in competition with you?

Hello Craig! Thanks for the sample. http://www.powerwash.com/rust-remover-plus.html

Hello Jerry! Thanks for providing your vacuum systems for this: http://www.powerwash.com/environmental-epa-owa-and-cwa-products-and-accessories.html?cat=554&p=3

And don't forget about the other minority "partners" in the ownership of the PWNA.

How about this guy? When I met Daryl Mirza in 2009 he evntually offered me a percentage partnership in conjunction with his partner Jim Selle to train about 15 guys around the country for a percentage of the gross. He paid me $5k in advance, then never paid me a single dime after that.

Here I am in Illinois with the guys I trained. I have all the correspondence to back up everything I am saying here and will post any that is needed.


At that time Greaseguard was just "Greaseguard". During my time working with them they got so excited about it they opened up a new DBA called "Rooftop Solutions". I helped them determine data for the site (have documentation)

I told them the way to go with filters, but they refused to listen and went their own direction with a filter media that later was detemined to be inferior (I have all the documentation)

Here is their current website: http://www.rooftopsolutions.com/

According to Manta and Businessfind, "Greaseguard" which is now listed as an HVAC and commercial refrigeration company is now doing 3.9 million. When I trained them Manta (and the other owner of Greaseguard) claimed they were doing just over 1 million. That's a four fold increase from 2010 when I did the training till now. Notice the ownership in the bottom left corner.


So when I asked for payment of my percentage what do you think I got? "Sue me".

This is the future of our industry under this "leadership".

My wife told me to just let it go. It wasn't worth it. We didn't want our name associated with anyone with the kind of relationship Facilitec has anyway. The fact is, Greaseguard, or "Rooftop Solutions" bucked me on every turn from what tools to use to how to price the product. But the fact is, prior to my training, they were not offering HVAC services and since my training they apparently have almost quadrupled their sales.

All with no payment to me. ....... "Sue me".

I've determined to let it go. Unless he wants to try to play some more legal games because of this post. I am itching to finish this, but without provocation from the other side I've made a promise to my wife to let it go.

"Sue me"

You may all be hearing those words soon.
You was robbed. Unreal.

That is what happens when you just simply expect people to keep their word.

Much like we expected them to "not shop" the BMPs.

I called Michael Hinderliter before I got in bed with Mirza because I respected him at the time and had just recently (in 2009) spent a little time getting to know him at the ft Worth roundtable. I told him I had recently made a deal with Daryl and asked him what he thought. He was quiet at first, then told me that if I was going to deal with Daryl I should "get everything in writing". (Which I eventually did). At least he was honest at that point.

That spoke volumes. They don't even trust each other .

I am glad I don't have to wake up every morning wondering if my business associates are lying to me now that I have cut off any associations with those of questionable character.

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Those are your industry "icons".

The people who have spent the past 20 years setting the course for our industry.

Most people in my position took a deal and settled out of court in exchange for keeping quiet.

I didn't want a deal like that. Money just doesn't mean that much to me. I am not that guy.

In my five years of knowing Ron, Scott Stone, Matt Norman, Paul Kassander, Tom Cusick, Chris Chappell, Tony Richardson, Bryan Hensen and later Doug Rucker none of them have ever tried to take advantage of me in any way. Their word has always been enough and has been kept

These are your industry icons among others.

Just straight forward, hard working guys who want nothing more than to earn their living honestly and help others when they can. Even if it means they get nothing in return.

I am proud to be a part of this industry and am hopeful that one day these men, along with me, can lie down to meet our maker with the assurance that we used our time on this earth wisely and did unto others as we would have had them do unto us.

Anyone can change. I used to move forward recklessly with little regard for who I might hurt in the process. It took God to change that along with a few who stood up to me and exposed me for the lost soul that I was. As much as I hated them then, I am thankful for them now.

Maybe one day, as hated as I am now, some of these guys who use contractors and have no regard for the damage they cause in their quest for more millions will see what they have been doing and feel the same way about me.

If not at least I can sleep with a clean conscience knowing everything I have said and done was for one purpose: to promote honesty and integrity among us all and help our industry rise above industries that have degenerated into nothing but greed and corruption.

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I will post the inevitable threatening letter that is sure to arrive any day from his lawyer.

Then I will systematically post email after email proving what I have said is true including the first year summary that shows the terms of our agreement.

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Just glad these guys showed me who they were before I got in so deep that getting out could hurt me financially.

Industry icons. If these are the icons of our industry we are in some poor shape.

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