JL Pressure Washing
I think that Mike got that Eastern Division Distributorship, They called me to see if I was interested In the Mid-South Division but since I don't really do parking garages they offered to let me do a demo on it for a few months and do a write up about how I like it so I guess I will have to go find a garage to go clean.
I don't have the capital needed but they said that they are willing to work with me, that would be great!
From what I hear they will be offering another Distributorship for the Western Division which includes the West Coast. Not sure if they had anyone in mind but they did mention a pro out in Arizona or Nevada that has a hot of garages under his belt and has a lot of referrals from a lot of huge PM's out there and is very knowledgeable about recovery and filter systems.
Superior Power Washing
Chris Chappell
House Cleaning
Fleet Washing
Mike & I are actually in it together. It will for sure grow our sales teaming up with this