It sure seems like an early "Winter Cabin Fever" but really it is just passionate people speaking out.
Not trying to get back into that stuff so I will not try.
I am implementing some things I have learned at the Round Tables this year and from a lot of advice from Ron from those events and it is all true!
If you have not been to a Round Table, there is so much you can learn and use to build your business!
I will find out in a week or so if I am awarded a contract that I really did not initially care about but if I got it, it would substantially increase my revenue for the rest of this year and most of next year and......get my foot in the door for other similar projects. Wow!
I will not talk about what they are (small print on the contracts and I don't want the local competitiors finding out yet).
I will not talk about what specifically it was at the Round Table but if you are OPEN MINDED and willing to learn and listen and OPEN YOUR EYES then you will get many, many, many, many times what it cost you to go to the Round Tables.
At first I thought it was a lot of B.S. but after trying out what Ron said, it is true! Not a lot of people out there know what he has learned over the past 25 years but he really knows his stuff! A lot of guys out there that have done what he said are growing their businesses and are not looking back.
MB looks like it might be the best one this year so far!
Chris, put the Koolaid down...LOL
Thanks bro, thats all I ask people to do.