When and where?

Hah I gotta go through Birmingham. Last time I went through B'ham I got lost in the largest cemetery I ever saw,,,,at 1:00 in the morning:eek:. Hope the roads are marked better now!
Hahahahaha! How did you end up in a cemetery? :confused:
I think that is where Ron will be. I will find a way there and be there too. hahaha

He told me that he would teach me some stuff on selling, I need to learn.

Any room for us at Logans? :D LOL....
We need Ron's help on selling too, seriously!

Chris, you could ride with us also....whatever is easier. I tried to get a Mustang convertable for the rental car but they were sold out. I think we ended up with a Pontiac sports car instead. As long as we dont get there and they hand us the keys to a Smart Car or something....:eek:
Larry I got some pics for you!!!
The BIG one???? It's about time. Hahaha! Looking forward to seeing them and you Mike. Have a safe trip! :)
you to buddy!!! BTW working on another big one right now
Make sure you bring me pics of your BIG one! :D
Why do you feel that you would be safer in the cemetery Pat? :confused: :rolleyes:
Wait till you taste the food at Alabama Roadhouse....

J/k lol:D
Texas roadhouse is really good!!!

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That is a shame. It is good that the employees will be re-assigned to other restaurants so they will not be jobless.

I wonder what the cause for the fire was? I guess it might take a few days or weeks to find out.

Hope nobody was hurt in the fire or fire-fighting.