New member
My mother kept urging me to start a business and since I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, and college wasn't for me. Lasted about 3 months. She told me about one of her friends husbands was making good money pressure washing. My father used to clean some fleets a while back, and I had done it for some landscaping companies in the past. Did some research, built my rig. Started in spring of 07, winters around here are harsh, so I got a full time job with great benefits and 401k. I was able to wash part time, 1-2 days a week and the weekends. This year I decided if I want to build and grow my business I need to go full time. Dropped to part time so I can still keep my insurance and 401k (two young children, you gotta have medical insurance) and my big discount on sleep # beds. No better way to get in with a potential customer than installing their new Select Comfort Sleep Number bed. So now I sell and wash 4-5 days a week and work 2-3 days at what used to be my full time job. Hopefully next year I can make the leap to FULL time cleaner.