Apple Roof Cleaning
Roof Cleaning Instructor
Exactly Kory.It just comes down to respect!
If you tell me you dont like me, last thing I do is knock on your door
There are TWO roof forums here on PWI.
There is NO REASON for us who mutually dislike each other to interact.
No one is BEGGING my enemies to post on my forum.
And, I would suggest that the roof expert forum is doing quite good w/o them.
Not to sound like a broken record, but how many times have you heard Ron saying "Russ or Grant is handling it"
WHY can't he say "I TOLD Chris this was HIS forum to run as he saw fit" and perhaps the calls will stop ?
I can't MAKE people like me, but no one is twisting their arm to come into my forum either.
Bottom Line ?
The Roof Expert Forum is THE most succesful Forum ON PWI search engine wise.
I have brought a LOT to PWI, both in knowledge, and new members.
WHY do I find me defending myself ?
Yet, my enemies can disrupt my forum, change their signatures, then blame me ?
There ARE two roof forums on PWI ya know ?
Ron and Russ, I am ASKING you to honor your deal you made with me, and allow me to police my own forum.