Try carrying a concealed weapon on a cross country trip. Within hours you will be a felon somewhere.
Now this really burns my ass !! You go thru the whole procedure of background check both federal and state and you still can only carry in certain states that recognize your CC permit? This really shows the stupidity of this government and their idiocies concerning CC. Are we not Citizens of the "United States" of America? Then why on earth am I only allowed to carry in some states of America.
They are telling me that they only trust that I will do the right thing in some states, and not in others. The stupidity of our governing officials has no boundries, in my book it's either you can carry because you passed all we asked of you or your a felon and you cannot have this right. This is just a Douchbaggish world we live in where Police will get there 2 min late and stand over your body saying poor bastard didn't have a chance. The police are in the news every other day commiting crimes against citizens they are sworn to protect !! I will take my chances and take care of me & my own. We just need someone with balls to stand up to all the bullshit that is spewed out of washington, the 2nd ammendment had no boundries until these useless bureaucratic fools decided they knew better !!!