What tips should I use for my new 19" whisper wash classic?

Hey Jeff,..I think you could be right on who's machine is doing what,..Because aside from these WW Classics being different,..the individual rigs would be the only logical reason left. Michael Kreisle is using (4) 2502 running 8 GPM,..would like to know how much hose he's running. Seems it would have to be 400'-500' ft. for it not want to lift off?

When I tested my pressure at the SC it wants to lift off at just a little over 1800 PSI. I had my neighbor running the throttle and tried to get a grasp on the nozzles that would work for me without adding weight. So doing this test allowed me to gauge the proper nozzles,..At least that's what I thought,...

I installed (2) 2506 thinking that would be about right according to Barens. But I should have used 2506.5 or maybe 2507,..because running the RPM's down also slowed the flow more than I thought,.because as I said,..it still wants to lift off,..even with 6's. Albeit,..not near as bad. And with minor weight I can get it in happy spot.

*I may not be able to go any further up on nozzle size,..simply because I'm afraid what I gain in weight loss,..will result in slower working speed,..and performance. I only do residential,..and I always treat the surface anyhow,..so the little less performance I have with the 6's is worth the weight loss.

I have a 4.7 gpm 3500 psi hot water machine and I'm told 2 - 2502 tips is what I should use for top performance of my surface cleaner. I have K7 unloader and they have top end of around 3600 psi... With the mentioned tips the psi would be around 5500. ... OR should I be using 2 - 25025 tips to keep my psi around 3500?

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2.5 or even 3. You'll find that if you pre treat they will clean just as well and as a side benefit will clog less.

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