What is the 4th of July to YOU?

Things go in cycles the, far left in Europe are calling us tyrants-just 60 years ago they killed 6 million people now we are the bad guys why because we water board-please. We will never be loved because most of the time we are not after personal gain. We had nothing to gain by Viet Nam, Mozambique, Kosovo, Grenada and Baghdad. Our main goal was to make the area stable so that our long range goals are maintained.

Give me a break. Lets talk the present Baghdad, We went to war for oil, we went to war to democratize a nation we shouldn't be nation building and because of it we caused the death of many great American soldiers. we should of stayed in Afghanistan and fought those who attacked us. Wheres bin Laden, screw Saddam we had him contained

Affordable Health care and other issues should not be in the control of the government. If you think its bad now look out. The same people who run the IRS would be running heath care. The only way to solve that problem is tort reform and takes the bottom feeding lawyers out of the mix.

Tort reform, just another way for big biz to take away from the little guy, they want tort reform so they don't have to pay when they screw up, give the average person no recourse when we are screwed or hurt. If we cant sue or they put a low limit on a lawsuit, they have nothing to worry about. Are there some bad lawyers? Sure, Are there some bad Hood Cleaning companies or pressure washing companies?Yes so we should get rid of them all NO, If you are hurt in a job accident and then you are maimed by a bad doctor in a hospital and you can never work again, should you be able to sue for more than 1 hundred thousand dollars, they take you life, but you dont want a lawyer to fight for you, hope you never get hurt bad
I rather have the gov run it than greedy corporations that will drop you if you are sick to many times, that are only in it for profit. Since affordable heath care is a thing of the past. You say this country has all these great things in another post and now you want to leave the government out of it completely, part of the reason this country is great is because our government affords us certain things, certain safety nets and to help regulate corporations that may otherwise just screw us. Like many already have

You mention Katrina-look at the State officials and the state politicians who had their heads up their butts. Don’t look for big daddy government to save the day-and we want to turn health care over to them? The government is not the fix all – even when they have the power and the will of the people they turn to the special interest and turn the other eye – immigration borders.

Katrina, Exactly WTF, yes the local & state screwed up, but as all have said, NO local and most state governments could of never handled what was created by Katrina. Thats why we have federal government to come in and help save lives. George Bush all he could say is "Good Job Brownie" Ya the head of FEMA who dropped the ball and caused the death of many in FEMAs slow response. Then he goes makes a big speech what a month later saying he will rebuild N Orleans, but then sends hardly any money, they "FEMA" send trailers filled with formaldehyde. The Gov can help its just who is running that government that makes the difference. all I know in the George Bush administration the big corporations have all the say and the average American has no say at all, its a fact. The Government is not a fix all but they are suppose to be here for us and thats what we are saying we need to take it back our government from the special interest, you just want to turn everything over to the special interest. Who do you think would run a private health care that you say we all should have, the same ones that are lobbying our government for privatization of health care DUH:eek: :confused: So all these lobbyist/Special interest groups want privatization, but you say the special interests groups are corrupting everything, but you want them to run health care Hummmmmm, just don't understand that. :confused: :rolleyes: :( . big corporations need to be good citizens too, there are fewer and fewer that are

It’s my hope that I was not the one that needs to get his head out of the hood!

We need to fight the power and the power is is greedy corporation and a government that is run by them or in collusion with them, I hope 2008 some things start to change, change will be just getting rid of the administration of the past 7-8 years
So, where is everyone from in this post. My grandfather on my mothers sides from Masodonia, my fathers parents from Ireland.

My mothers father is the sole reason my father worked hard for what he had. My grandfather loved this country like no other man i have ever met.

I ask each and every person here not to tell me they are from the USA. Thats BS, we are all from another country. Do you know??????

Stop with border closings, our ancestors that wrote the constitution are turning in there graves. They did not want a country that has walls keeping people out.

If your buying into this BS they your as stupid as the rest of the nut bags that by into goverment BS.

Its was imigrants that invented these wonderful things the rest of the world has now. We just became the first industrialized nation.

Now we want the borders closed to keep cheap labor in mexico so the workers will stay there and work for 30 dollars a week instead of 30 per hour.

NFTA was a sell out to import goods through mexico cheap into the states.

The problem is we are running out of jobs to by things.

We no longer hold the economic power we once held.(period)

Yes we have seven nuc subs and three account for all the power needed to wipe out the planet.

Russia went broke and now is coming back strong being westernized. Dont get me wrong we are always going to have enemys throughout the world.

I love this country, but we need to start taking care of her better. our goverment is not looking out for our interests. They are watching there own wallets. (get Fat)
Oil is what drives this country and the rest of the free world-if that were cut off what would you do to survive? The world would go into shut down if that region were not stable. Israel, Europe would have serious issues-is this worth the fight-I think so.

Tort reform is a little more complex than taking the rights away from the “PEOPLE” Look at some of the settlements that these lawyer have made? That is what this is about –it’s about the 30-40 &50 Percent fees and class action. The injured should be compensated but not to the extent that the lawyers would like.

Large corporations are owned by the share holders and they represent retirement funds, country funds, and stock and so on. The big corporations are for the most part people just like us. I am not saying that abuse is not uncommon but it should be kept in perspective.

Heath Care – do you really want Hilary to try it again behind close doors and have it reviewed by BHO. Not me!

Jeff don't get so upset - my vote will cancel yours! How do you make the post red? That is a nice touch-creative-this is good.:)



Seoul , this is a place we have never left. along with japan, germany, Nam and many other places around the globe that have become economic powers.

Do you fellas not know, we are not leaving the middle east. In 30 years i have a feeling the photos of Bagdad will be twice this and the technology even more safisticated than the current citys around the globe.
Things go in cycles the, far left in Europe are calling us tyrants-just 60 years ago they killed 6 million people now we are the bad guys why because we water board-please. We will never be loved because most of the time we are not after personal gain. We had nothing to gain by Viet Nam, Mozambique, Kosovo, Grenada and Baghdad. Our main goal was to make the area stable so that our long range goals are maintained.

Affordable Healthcare and other issues should not be in the control of the government. If you think its bad now look out. The same people who run the IRS would be running heath care. The only way to solve that problem is tort reform and takes the bottom feeding lawyers out of the mix.

You mention Katrina-look at the State officials and the state politicians who had their heads up their butts. Don’t look for big daddy government to save the day-and we want to turn healthcare over to them? The government is not the fix all – even when they have the power and the will of the people they turn to the special interest and turn the other eye – immigration borders.

It’s my hope that I was not the one that needs to get his head out of the hood!

You are making no sense to me. Please dont send anymore post's directed toward's me with your stupid remark's and angry faces...One minute you love the way things are going with this government and the next your telling us how screwed up it is....If your father or better yet grandfather is still around, have them sit you down and tell you how it really is..
Oil is what drives this country and the rest of the free world-if that were cut off what would you do to survive? The world would go into shut down if that region were not stable. Israel, Europe would have serious issues-is this worth the fight-I think so.

Tort reform is a little more complex than taking the rights away from the “PEOPLE” Look at some of the settlements that these lawyer have made? That is what this is about –it’s about the 30-40 &50 Percent fees and class action. The injured should be compensated but not to the extent that the lawyers would like.

Large corporations are owned by the share holders and they represent retirement funds, country funds, and stock and so on. The big corporations are for the most part people just like us. I am not saying that abuse is not uncommon but it should be kept in perspective.

Heath Care – do you really want Hilary to try it again behind close doors and have it reviewed by BHO. Not me!

Jeff don't get so upset - my vote will cancel yours! How do you make the post red? That is a nice touch-creative-this is good.:)

David I do get upset, I have been around long enough to see some things are just wrong. I will agree to disagree, I know we, all Americans love our country, we just see things way different sometimes. I believe in compromise and thats something that isn't done much lately with in our 2 party system, it just seems like we argue and hardly ever work together. We are never going to agree on everything, but we do need to find a middle ground or we will destroy our nation to some extent.

I like to keep my political rants over at PT State, so I am out of this conversation. Have a good one and you know something I had a great 4th of July
Hey Carlos, maybe you can start a thread about gun control or abortion next!
I had a really great 4th, sat on the beach buy the 2nd avenue pier (Myrtle Beach) with my kids and we watched the fire works!! A really great way to remember and celebrate this day:D
Hey Carlos, maybe you can start a thread about gun control or abortion next!

I know huh....:( I am sorry now that I even posted this thread. I was just bringing to light the folks that signed the Declaration of Independence.....and now look what it has done!

Sorry guys if my post rubbed anyone the wrong way......

Wait until Easter ....boy do I have some DIRT on the Easter Bunny....:p
Nick-I am a little older than you with experience to match. And my grandfather and my father have passed on. In fact my father was a lawyer in Sacramento – passed the Bar in 1940. My background is varied and my views are based on my background, this is not to say that my views are the only way – as my liberal brethren preach.

Heaven forbid that I should upset you with the angry :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek:
Nick-I am a little older than you with experience to match. And my grandfather and my father have passed on. In fact my father was a lawyer in Sacramento – passed the Bar in 1940. My background is varied and my views are based on my background, this is not to say that my views are the only way – as my liberal brethren preach.

Heaven forbid that I should upset you with the angry :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek:

I am not going to get into a pissing match with you, I keep forgetting that you are from California, and that is like another country.

Looking forward to meeting you someday..;)
Nick - bring a lunch - no need to worry about us out West & to include Carlos(liberal)-You keep care and Semper Fi
Hey .....I live in Calif.....does that mean....? I am not going to ask.:cool:

I dont think that politics should be discussed on this forum. I am sorry if i offended anyone from California....Just Venting...I am done with this topic.
Nick...you didn't offend me man. I am easy going as Sunday morning...really. Ask anyone that knows me. I appreciate your view points as they DO have merit and hold water with me.

I for myself grew up back East and have deep roots in the South.....

It's all good on my end. Talk to you soon! Keep the debate alive.......
Why should we not discuss politics? Would you feel better if I agreed with you - then it wouldn't be any fun - would it!!!!