What is the 4th of July to YOU?


Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men
who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors,
and tortured before they died.

Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army;
another had two sons captured.

Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or
hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes,
and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists.
Eleven were merchants,
nine were farmers and large plantation owners;
men of means, well educated,
but they signed the Declaration of Independence
knowing full well that the penalty would be death if
they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and
trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the
British Navy. He sold his home and properties to
pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British
that he was forced to move his family almost constantly.
He served in the Congress without pay, and his family
was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him,
and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer,
Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown , Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that
the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson
home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General
George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed,
and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed.
The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying.
Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill
were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests
and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his
children vanished. Some of us take these liberties so much for
granted, but we shouldn't.

So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and
silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid.

Remember: freedom is never free!
After all we fought for and all the men lost, we have come to 2008 where we now have to press 1 for ENGLISH!!! What happened to this country???

Flag burning, homeless vet's, elderly from the greatest generation who have no health care, total dependence on foreign oil, etc...our fore fathers would be ashamed of this country and the people who let this happen.

We the people, need to take this country back, and soon before we are all speaking another language...
Nick - I hear ya. My father came to the U.S. the "right way" ...meaning he followed the law of the land to become a citizen of this great country. When I was growing up he taught me the importance of my heritage but in the same breath he was relentless to make sure that I understood that I was an American.

Yes Nick, our fore fathers would be saddened and ashamed of how things look today in the good ole U.S. I served proudly as my older brother did in the military....again...my father made me join the armed forces!

Happy 4th to you man!
After all we fought for and all the men lost, we have come to 2008 where we now have to press 1 for ENGLISH!!! What happened to this country???

Flag burning, homeless vet's, elderly from the greatest generation who have no health care, total dependence on foreign oil, etc...our fore fathers would be ashamed of this country and the people who let this happen.

We the people, need to take this country back, and soon before we are all speaking another language...

Amen to that! The men who founded this country risked their lives to throw off the yoke of a government they viewed as tyranical only to see future generations put the yoke right back on.
My Grandparents REFUSED to teach me Italian :mad:
They INSISTED I was an AMERICAN, and Americans spoke ENGLISH.
I am sick and freaking tired of waiting through telephone messages in Spanish.
NOTHING against any Spanish People.
Honestly, I am a WORKAHOLIC, and have spent my WHOLE day doing stuff to help my business.
I MIGHT "allow" myself some Wine later:)
Well let's take it back!!! The powers that be already have taken GOD out of everything Americana...We dont want to offend anyone, WTF..

I am truley scared for the first time in my life for this country and where we are heading..And i know i am not alone..God Bless America, if that bothers someone then they can KMA!!!
Nick interesting you suggests we take it back. My take on that is that in the 80 and 90 those people were called militia. Now everyone that not with us is against us, George W

Now we are terrorists in our own country, soon we will not have weapons to even think about this. One more generation goes by all the stuff about life liberty and pursuit of happiness will be something from the stone ages.
I hate to say this but I believe it’s the truth; the men on that declaration are not fighting a government like the brits with sticks and muskets. The constitution is to protect us from our own army’s from being used against us.

The fourth of July means nothing to me, the future and how it will be very different from the men who died to instill the freedoms this great nation once was bothers me.
We all live a very short life, the men and women in the above were rebels who decided they no longer wanted the same things for their children. They may have sacrificed their money farms and their own lives. Look at the millions of immigrants who came here for a better life.
Speaking Spanish is what the government wants to worry you about so they can keep the rich people happy taking our jobs south and put fear the Mexican is coming north to take your job. Trust me no Mexican is taking your job unless you want to move to Mexico and learn Spanish in one of 200 high tech factories.
We have been exporting our jobs, resources and technology. The rich people are putting us out of work. In the past we have had a say because we have spending power. We broke unions and deregulated industry so the small man has no say. Then they created new markets around the world to sell goods and service. They began moving the factories and changing the Global economy. This made us weak, we will continue to get weak unless we can start competing and getting jobs back.

Some believe we will change to become a playground for the rest of the world. Resort US……

Reality is that eventually others will care less and less about what we stand for and they will to be enjoying their new cars and vacations to be concerned about our problems.
NICK: your right about it, I’m with you or whoever when the time comes. I just think it’s something we need to instill in our children. True patriots are not easy to find,
Some very intense & true post

Take back America, from our own. Meaning from our lazy & corrupt way of government and the cooperations that send away or take our freedoms by taking our jobs and industries that they are shipping away to other countries. We are becoming a country that make nothing and imports workers to do our service trades jobs, theres not much left

Are we in a monarchy now, Kings, Queens, Lords & Ladies run our country and all we do is serve them. Have we become lazy & apathetic? We have a congress , an Executive branch & corporations that have built in golden parachute, what do they fear? Nothing! because they have nothing to fear. Rich CEO make millions every year and have so much money they have no need to fear. Congressmen & Presidents have life long pay and all the benefits that you can imagine, health care, life insurance, hell they don't even have to pay for a haircut. its only us from the poorest to the upper middle class that have to fear. From farmers, to factory workers to stock brokers and tradesmen what we have can be taken away at anytime all they have to do is ship a company oversees, let huge amounts of cheap labor in and take jobs. Take the mortgage bust, they raped our country, they used the America Dream of owning a house, used our own stupidity, dreams, greed to give money to anyone, knowing many couldn't afford it. Here you can afford a $100,000 house but we will give you $250,000, why because they knew they could make quick money and didn't care about the future. Undocumented workers came in a record numbers built the homes, wages went down and house prices went up:confused: . everyone in the mortgage companies & corporations and in our government knew it wouldn't last but they DID NOTHING to stop or regulate it. Now what do they do, the mortgage industry starts to fall apart, the brokers lose jobs, the CEO's move on and the Government bails out the companies and the stock market, use our money to stabilize the mortgage industry, buts wheres the regulation, wheres the over site. There is none, because congressmen are in bed with them, they get LOW interest loan, they become lobbyist for them and many good people are left with a shattered American dream

Do you know the CEO? of Countrywide Mortgage the biggest at the time mortgage company, well in a matter of less than a year, of the bust, he leaves the company, a company now known for giving some of the funkiest loans, a company that is at the top of this mess, where is he now? Jail? Penny less? NO he started another company, that is buying and giving money on some of the same homes he gave the loans to and are foreclosed. He is once again making millions off the mess he helped create WTF. They arrest a few upper managers in some of the most corrupt companies and the Kings of the industry remain kings & Queens of their industry and The Lords & Ladies of our congress & executive branch go work for them when they leave congress and the white house. Are our Congressmen & Whitehouse serving our country, serving our needs, they are serving their own self interest and screw us

God I get mad.

I love our country, God Bless her, its not liberals or Conservative voters that are ruining this country it is those who rule over us, yes I said RULE over us. Unlike the ones that signed that great document, that fought for the freedom, our leaders fight to get as much as they can and throw us the scraps and then we thank them and vote for them gain.

We need a REVOLUTION, a revolution to FIGHT the POWER
Amen guy's...I think the next revolution commeth. I just hope we have the same fortitude and allegiance as the boy's from 1776.....
When the world needs help they look to us-they don’t call France, Germany or Mexico they call us. Look at what we have developed and built-Man on The Moon, Computers, Medicine, Food, Buildings, Aircraft Development, Health Care, Elections, Civilian Government over Military, Court System, Made Europe Free, and we have freedom of travel and speech. Sure we have problems-name another place you would want to live-we can set up a contest and get you airfare.:mad:
When the world needs help they look to us-they don’t call France, Germany or Mexico they call us. Look at what we have developed and built-Man on The Moon, Computers, Medicine, Food, Buildings, Aircraft Development, Health Care, Elections, Civilian Government over Military, Court System, Made Europe Free, and we have freedom of travel and speech. Sure we have problems-name another place you would want to live-we can set up a contest and get you airfare.:mad:

No one is saying that they dont love this country. Just look at your statement, We went to the moon, yes and we never landed on it again, we designed and built the first computers, now most if not all of it is outsourced to other countries.

Medicin, well thats great that we have it and the best technology to, but if your not fortunate enough to afford health care or if you dont come from another country you wont be helped, I watched video of hospitals dropping off elderly people on the street still in there hospital gowns :mad: because they wanted the bed for paying customer's.

We all know that we have the best of everything here in this country, but we are the first to help the starving people of the world, and we are the first responders of all disasters. But we dont know how to take care of our own, KATRINA, Homeless and hungry children,take a walk thru any iner-city in this great country and tell me what you see.

We freed europe and brought peace to many countries around the world, and they look at us as Tyrant's that are always looking to start a war, How many of those POS countries jump in to help us? I can count them on one hand.

You dont need to send me airfare anywhere, I have traveled thru this world and i know first hand what they think of us. I will stay right here in the good ole USA. Oh yea buy the way David FY..and let me know if you are comming to any of these roundtables so i can tell you to your face..
When the world needs help they look to us-they don’t call France, Germany or Mexico they call us. Look at what we have developed and built-Man on The Moon, Computers, Medicine, Food, Buildings, Aircraft Development, Health Care, Elections, Civilian Government over Military, Court System, Made Europe Free, and we have freedom of travel and speech. Sure we have problems-name another place you would want to live-we can set up a contest and get you airfare.:mad:

So you are happy with the way things are. do you have small children? I worry about my children, Heath care isn't as easy to get as it used to be, computers are made else where, aircraft are being made in other countries and our military and airline industry are buying from other countries instead of our companies, elections? we don't have or even can figure out one voting system country wide, Florida has been a mess how many times, maybe those in change don't want a fool proof system, so it can be manipulated when they need to. Medicine, elderly have to go with out food or curtain meds because that cant afford both sometimes, Civilian government, a bunch of guys who listen more to lobbyist than the average guy who can't afford a larger voice, free Europe, hell after 911 we had the whole world supporting us and now half the world either hates us or would like to see us fail in everything we do. China & Asia are poised to be the dominant player, the new super power. We have Ford workers in Mexico making $2.50 an hour, they used to make $4.00 even their wages are less, they ship our jobs there we make less they make less

David I love my country, I know we have it better off than others, doesn't mean that a lot doesn't need to be fixed. This may be the 1st generation that doesn't do better than their parents, we have lost a lot and can lose more and I dont want that. Its all about my children , I can't let them out of my sight, due to child molester, the prisons are full., they may get some decease from eating a tomato or onion from taco bell or the grocery store, because the fruits & veggies come from some third world nation, They may not be able to have health care some day because they cant afford it, they may not be able to find a job someday that they can make a good living unless they are the top 10%. Theres a lot of screwed up stuff. I love America, it doesn't mean she cant be better and be more glorious & stronger. I want to know why everything is in English & Spanish, we went 200+ years with out marking everything in Spanish, now its nation wide. I can se products that are sold globally, but why signage in Lowe's Hope Depot, Supermarkets, Banks etc etc. The only way the country gets better with immigrants is when they become a part of the country, not creating two countries in one. If I donut have an ID I get pulled over and can go to jail, If I don't have an ID I cant cash a check. I see it and know 1st hand, the banks just let it happen, the cops either gave up caring, dont have the time or are TOLD not to arrest illegals driving or even at times doing other crimes

God Bless America and the children
So you are happy with the way things are. do you have small children? I worry about my children, Heath care isn't as easy to get as it used to be, computers are made else where, aircraft are being made in other countries and our military and airline industry are buying from other countries instead of our companies, elections? we don't have or even can figure out one voting system country wide, Florida has been a mess how many times, maybe those in change don't want a fool proof system, so it can be manipulated when they need to. Medicine, elderly have to go with out food or curtain meds because that cant afford both sometimes, Civilian government, a bunch of guys who listen more to lobbyist than the average guy who can't afford a larger voice, free Europe, hell after 911 we had the whole world supporting us and now half the world either hates us or would like to see us fail in everything we do. China & Asia are poised to be the dominant player, the new super power. We have Ford workers in Mexico making $2.50 an hour, they used to make $4.00 even their wages are less, they ship our jobs there we make less they make less

David I love my country, I know we have it better off than others, doesn't mean that a lot doesn't need to be fixed. This may be the 1st generation that doesn't do better than their parents, we have lost a lot and can lose more and I dont want that. Its all about my children , I can't let them out of my sight, due to child molester, the prisons are full., they may get some decease from eating a tomato or onion from taco bell or the grocery store, because the fruits & veggies come from some third world nation, They may not be able to have health care some day because they cant afford it, they may not be able to find a job someday that they can make a good living unless they are the top 10%. Theres a lot of screwed up stuff. I love America, it doesn't mean she cant be better and be more glorious & stronger. I want to know why everything is in English & Spanish, we went 200+ years with out marking everything in Spanish, now its nation wide. I can se products that are sold globally, but why signage in Lowe's Hope Depot, Supermarkets, Banks etc etc. The only way the country gets better with immigrants is when they become a part of the country, not creating two countries in one. If I donut have an ID I get pulled over and can go to jail, If I don't have an ID I cant cash a check. I see it and know 1st hand, the banks just let it happen, the cops either gave up caring, dont have the time or are TOLD not to arrest illegals driving or even at times doing other crimes

God Bless America and the children

I think he should pull his head out of them hood's and look around before making statements like this.

There are real people with brains here who can see whats going on in this country. It was never about the love of country........
Hope all had a great 4th of July, no matter what our country goes through, I love her and will never give up on the greatest nation in the world

It was a great weekend until i read that POS post...See ya soon Jeff..
Things go in cycles the, far left in Europe are calling us tyrants-just 60 years ago they killed 6 million people now we are the bad guys why because we water board-please. We will never be loved because most of the time we are not after personal gain. We had nothing to gain by Viet Nam, Mozambique, Kosovo, Grenada and Baghdad. Our main goal was to make the area stable so that our long range goals are maintained.

Affordable Healthcare and other issues should not be in the control of the government. If you think its bad now look out. The same people who run the IRS would be running heath care. The only way to solve that problem is tort reform and takes the bottom feeding lawyers out of the mix.

You mention Katrina-look at the State officials and the state politicians who had their heads up their butts. Don’t look for big daddy government to save the day-and we want to turn healthcare over to them? The government is not the fix all – even when they have the power and the will of the people they turn to the special interest and turn the other eye – immigration borders.

It’s my hope that I was not the one that needs to get his head out of the hood!
Oh yes China as a super power – they are to busy in making money – they tend historically do not extend from their borders-we buy their products-they need that.
Carlos.....what a great topic of choice! Lotta hot buttons covered here, healthcare, unions, CEO"s, and Patriotism. I love my country and am very grateful to having been born in this country, however, I have never understood that the most successful country in the world, does not insure the health of the people. This is from a republican! I believe my President's number 1 responsibility is to protect us from Domestic or Foreign aggression, secondly, its to insure the health of the people. Our government has never felt this way. In my opinion, that is failure.

Simple question: What in life, name one thing outside of medical care (emergency, prescription, other) that you are forced to purchase at the discretion of another (a doctor) that is not subject to the laws of supply & demand? Where pricing is a factor of need and speed and is not governed through free enterprise? Anything? Here's a simple fact, when the FDA decides to approve a new drug, the only criteria (outside of safety) is whether that drug is "better then nothing at all". Not better then what has been around for 50 years, not better then what is 1/50th the price, better then nothing at all. We are not educated consumers, we do not have the same discretionary buying power as we do in other aspects of our lives, we are pawns to marketing and unscrupulous doctors. Our government has suborned an emergency driven market that fosters the creation of profiteers.

I love my country. I love the soldiers who are giving their lives, and have given their lives through our history. But I feel everyday that we have failed to live up to our forefathers dreams! We should be ashamed! Happy 4th of July to all!