What happened??

I have a dedicated pump, but I'm a downstreamer. I only use the dedicated pump when I need a really strong mix. I would rather just do the whole job with my pressure washer. Rather than apply chems with one pump and then rinse or wash with the pressure washer. If you can do the whole job with the chem pump, that probably is a pretty good way to do it. Just my preference.

Hope 2010 is going well for all....Best year ever for me so far....but it's still early.
You've obviously never seen me wash a house! For residential, downstreaming rules!
I was gonna say that... I don't see how it could go any quicker!!
You've obviously never seen me wash a house! For residential, downstreaming rules!

Nope, never seen anyone DS anything. All ive known is a dedicated pump. I would love to work with someone who is quick with a DStreamer and see if I like it. I LOVE the dedicated pump for washing. Rinsings just a PITA with a water hose.
Unless the buildings are extremely bad, I usually downstream everything.

I don't keep the X-Jet on the trailer anymore but I do have the old style, the M-5 and the custom made one I got a while back from Exterior for special cleaning situations.

For speed, it really is hard to beat downstreaming.
I Ds'd a 7 story hotel last week with no problems and 300ft of hose. The entire building was sprayed in 6 hours and I used an 8gpm machine, and a modified injector from Robert. It could have been faster with level ground in the rear and side and a taller lift (45ft was all I could get that quick)
Unless the buildings are extremely bad, I usually downstream everything.

I don't keep the X-Jet on the trailer anymore but I do have the old style, the M-5 and the custom made one I got a while back from Exterior for special cleaning situations.

For speed, it really is hard to beat downstreaming.

I want a custrom x jet. I will race anyone m5 vs. ds. I am fastest with the m5
I have not had many problems downstreaming with the general hi draw, even at 300' but at 400' and 500' it seems to not pull as much chemical.

Here is a simple solution for you Travis: String out your 150' and see if the injector still works, if it does then you know that your injector does not work with longer hose so you have to put the injector further down the line (take a container of chemicals with you to do this) or get a different injector to do what you want to do.

I have been doing a lot of larger properties since last year and just stayed with the injector that pulls with longer lengths of hoses but I do keep a spare and a rebuild kit in the tool box all the time just in case.
Call Bob at Pressure Tek. He makes a Super Hi Draw. I bought one it works great! I run 300 feet of hose with no problems.
I love downstreaming!! Only 5 to 10 gallons of mix to wash most normal sized homes..

We use powerhouse with an m5 and only need 2-3 gAllons of chem for a whole house using the proportioners.