LOL....I don't believe in lying or decieving anyone. Hahaha! I blame it on my parents.Larry you forgot "long"
I heard your coming Matt, they dont have roulette in MB.LOL
It was cool hanging in Vegas with you and Mr. Driploc....
Craps is our game, we musta walked out with over $2k on Thursday/Friday.
Can't make Myrtle, the word in the street is Driploc is holding an RT in Nov., I would be hard pressed to miss that one.
Hey, what about a swap meet at MB. Clean out the shop and bring all the stuff you don't use anymore to the RT. Buy, Sell, Trade????? Whata ya think?????
No, but some think he is an expert.
No, but what else is new...ChlorineDon is an Expert, he has what three for fours years. Its just squirting Clorine...Did I spell that Right?
that would be cool...Hey, what about a swap meet at MB. Clean out the shop and bring all the stuff you don't use anymore to the RT. Buy, Sell, Trade????? Whata ya think?????