What do we want at the Beach????????

Ron, what about bringing one or two of your salespeople and have them each talk for 45 minutes to an hour on selling and how they overcome obstacles and their techniques?

It would be great to see and hear some of your great salespeople and how they get the signatures on the dotted lines.

You have to remember they work for me and I have to pay them, I would offer that in Phx for sure. To bring them to MB would be expensive and they would be taking personal time away from families.

Good idea
I am offended. I thought the Phoenix food was great...I am just glad no on ekissed the cook, well, except for his helper.
That is 2 votes for something related to selling. I will vote again so it is 3 votes now. hahahahaha
Pump rebuild, engine and burner maintenance, and trouble shooting for the more common issues. Discuss different techniques to improve one's cleaning for several types of properties.
Pump rebuild, QUOTE]

Everytime I have seen a pump rebuilt it has been a small one. Everyone should know that by the time a small pump needs to e rebuilt it is time to throw it away. It costs more to rebuild it than it costs to buy a new one.

I would like to see a large pump rebuilt. ie General Pump TSF2021. An 8 gal/min or higher pump.
I think that if they did a demo on the General TS 2021 and/or TSF 2021 that would be great, kind of similar pumps so it would give you a general idea.

Also describing what to look for as for damage, wear and what parts to inspect closely. That would be nice.

I will vote for sales also, that brings it to 4 votes for sales training I think?