I would probably put many receipts onto a table and take pics or like the scanner, lay out as many will fit then scan so it will go faster.
Again, this is just a backup in case the receipts fade, get lost or destroyed so I have something for my records.
I shoot with Phone and Discard Them only if Cash, Tony Gives Good advice if your Letting them any Place near your accounting. No IRS will see my bank Statements without a Judge ordering it. I provided them only what My attorney will Let them see. Having a lawyer represent if he is good they will never go further than the response. This is why they Note the Place the BOOKS are kept's and who the agent doing them is. Thats why its on the forms, because Tony Conforms he is now a Target and has Increased his Chances of future audits.
Like He preaches do not Conform , they might tell you that you need receipts its BS. The entire CODE is based on what you tell them not what they can't Prove. Without you they can't prove anything