Guy Blackmon
Roundtable Host 2009
A certification may fill a space on the wall or give a warm, fuzzy feeling, BUT- It means nothing in the real world. People don't care if you are certified by someone. They want their stuff cleaned. Remember when everyone had a Wolmans certificate for taking an online quiz? I still see that stuff on people's websites.
A lot of people think the same way you do William, and to a certain extent you may have a point.....but it's really not. It's about furthering education and marketing the certifications.
You're right, some customers don't give a flying fig about certifications....But some do, all depends on how you sell or market it. Letting customers know that you're certified, in this or that, may be the determining factor that lands the job.
Now for someone in your position, I guess certifications are useless. You probably turn down more work than I do in a year. But what about the other guys (Like Me :grin that need all the help we can get?