What about NCE Certifying at every event?

A certification may fill a space on the wall or give a warm, fuzzy feeling, BUT- It means nothing in the real world. People don't care if you are certified by someone. They want their stuff cleaned. Remember when everyone had a Wolmans certificate for taking an online quiz? I still see that stuff on people's websites.

A lot of people think the same way you do William, and to a certain extent you may have a point.....but it's really not. It's about furthering education and marketing the certifications.

You're right, some customers don't give a flying fig about certifications....But some do, all depends on how you sell or market it. Letting customers know that you're certified, in this or that, may be the determining factor that lands the job.

Now for someone in your position, I guess certifications are useless. You probably turn down more work than I do in a year. But what about the other guys (Like Me :grin:) that need all the help we can get?
Remember this guys because someone is certified it doesn't actually mean they are better.

It's telling a customer that they are suppose to know the standards and the correct methods.

Now mastering and actually doing it will only come with experience.

This is why I will always have a since 1984 in my marketing.

I know new guys this doesn't make them happy . Others it sometimes even forced them to lie.

I don't think any training can replace experience. What it does do it set standard practices and can make a difference for the consumer in hire process.

A smart consumer will take all things into account. Someone like me with a ton of years the certification might not get me hire. It will definitely help a guy going up against me with the certification.

It won't be the end all, will still have people that will hack stuff up.

Ron Musgraves text me 480-5225227 ???Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A certification may fill a space on the wall or give a warm, fuzzy feeling, BUT- It means nothing in the real world. People don't care if you are certified by someone. They want their stuff cleaned. Remember when everyone had a Wolmans certificate for taking an online quiz? I still see that stuff on people's websites.

Very true William, I still have mine. hahahahaha

I got certified in Wood Restoration back in 2004 at the PW*A convention in Dallas, Texas. I had not cleaned a board before but I got certified. hahahahaha

I am looking at this mostly for marketing reasons but do want to have the certificates if I am ever asked to see them as there are customers out there that don't believe everything out there which is a good thing.
Doug, I was wondering why you did not work something out with Ron and Kory about offering your class there at Tampa, might have got some customers there and certified them also.

I guess it could have gone either way, new guys with certifications bidding against guys that have been in the business for a while when it comes down to it.

Again, I like this idea for the marketing for the business.
Doug, I was wondering why you did not work something out with Ron and Kory about offering your class there at Tampa, might have got some customers there and certified them also.

I guess it could have gone either way, new guys with certifications bidding against guys that have been in the business for a while when it comes down to it.

Again, I like this idea for the marketing for the business.

Yes it's a great tool, it can ad credibility. It will not be the end all

Ron Musgraves text me 480-5225227 ???Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let's say you were a regional VP or regional maint director for a national property management company. You have this company that is doing a bang up job for you down in South Florida but the numnuts in Georgia aren't cutting the mustard (this is totally hypothetical) so now your in the market for a new cleaning company to handle your Georgia properties. You wish there was something out there that leveled the playing field, standardized the industry and made you finding reliable cleaning companies easier. Then you notice the guy that is really coming through for you in South Florida has a certification from an organization. Wouldn't you at least consider that that cert is at least one of the factors that makes his company more capable than the rest? Then wouldn't you now use that as a factor to make decisions whether or not to use other companies? Just makes sense to me.

Check It out

:eek:uttahere: I have everybody Listed On the site if you went to the Washwater Control Certification School

and if you are not listed on the site then contact me go to


and put in your zip code and you should pop up. alsoTampa Certified contractors are now on the list

If you are not Certified then come to our Washwater Control Certification School in San Diego,Ca Nov.18-19,2011

go to http://pressurewasher.net/education-siminars.html

Spread the word
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Check It out

:eek:uttahere: I have everybody Listed On the site that has paid if you went to the Washwater Control Certification School

and if you are not listed on the site then contact me go to http://washwater.org/index.php?option=com_locationfinder&view=location&Itemid=131

and put in your zip code and you should pop up. alsoTampa Certified contractors are now on the list who have Paid

If you are not Certified then come to our Washwater Control Certification School in San Diego,Ca Nov.18-19,2011

go to http://pressurewasher.net/education-siminars.html

Spread the word


I do not offer, nor am I qualified to offer what y'all are doing. I hear the program you offer is top-notch. Please feel free to jump in at http://SoftWashSystems.Activeboard.com and chat about your great products and training over there.

Let's say you were a regional VP or regional maint director for a national property management company. You have this company that is doing a bang up job for you down in South Florida but the numnuts in Georgia aren't cutting the mustard (this is totally hypothetical) so now your in the market for a new cleaning company to handle your Georgia properties. You wish there was something out there that leveled the playing field, standardized the industry and made you finding reliable cleaning companies easier. Then you notice the guy that is really coming through for you in South Florida has a certification from an organization. Wouldn't you at least consider that that cert is at least one of the factors that makes his company more capable than the rest? Then wouldn't you now use that as a factor to make decisions whether or not to use other companies? Just makes sense to me.


AC, I think in that case they would just call Russ S., Nick, Lonnie, or Chris T. to take care of it. hahahahahahaha just kidding could not resist that one.

I think that the certification is a good idea but selling ability would overcome any certification I am sure like if they were dealing with Ron, Russ, Nick, etc......... vs. someone that is out there with a certificate and not that many years experience.

I agree Ron, it is not the end all but it is another thing to help get the job sometime, maybe.
If your selling point is that you got a certificate from some website or weekend get together then you are not going to get the work in the first place.

I absolutely agree William. You can't sell based just on certifications, just like you can't sell based just on the "Lowest Price", you will go out of business quick. But I do see where Certs. added to a Contractors Marketing "Toolbox" can and will come in handy to help Close the sell on some jobs, maybe even high paying jobs.
Tony, since you have NOTHING else to do.. :slap:

Come see us in San Diego again Nov 18 & 19..
we appreciate your "wit" .. .. :eek:uttahere: .. .. :canoodle:

..and bring Shelly.. we don't have sting-rays in November. :yikes:
Training is good, experience is good and both are better. I have years of experience, but I will take all of the training I can get. I know of others who have been power washing for a long time and don't know crap.
Training is good, experience is good and both are better. I have years of experience, but I will take all of the training I can get. I know of others who have been power washing for a long time and don't know crap.

I have met guys that claim to have been in the business 15 years and 20 years and on and on. After talking to them and even better yet, watching them work, They are still clueless and really don't know that much and think that the more pressure the better while damaging property. It is just amazing.
I don't see what the big deal is William. I've had mine for years. Lots of them. They keep you from offending the customer with coffee breath.


7-11 is the certs master already!!
:joyful:Great News :grin-square::smash::smash::smash:

I think I have all Washwater Control Certification School Students

listed on the site at http://washwater.org/index.php?optio...ion&Itemid=131

put in your zip code or city and you should pop up.......check all your info and make sure it is correct

If you are not on the site or your Info needs to be corrected Please Contact me.
Any NCE Event coming this way? I would like to find out what a NCE event is....

We will have another one soon. You should take a flight to ca and enjoy the sunny time.

Ron Musgraves text me 480-5225227 ???Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk