What a big c*ck you have!!

Lou hoods&more

New member
A statue outside an Apache Junction restaurant has sparked what city officials are now calling
the case of the 800-pound rooster.

How much the statue actually weighs is up for debate. Its owner and city officials can't agree on how
they got to this point, much less whether to call it a rooster or a hen.

For three days, the giant aluminum fowl was perched atop Hitching Post Pizza and Pub off
Arizona 88 approaching the Superstition Mountains. Owner Mehmood Mohiuddin envisioned it as a sort of landmark.

That was until the city made him take it down. On Oct. 12, a city building inspector flanked by two policemen
cited Mohiuddin for erecting the statue without a permit. He's now facing a criminal charge that could result
in a $2,500 fine, six months in jail and three years' probation.

Read more:

funny stuff
And who would of thought the city shows up with the law to force you to get your cock off.
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Being out in that extream heat all day everyday must be tough, I would suggest a little Cock Block.
Christmas is coming up, they should put some decorative balls on their cock.
Seriously, we should have a prize for the funniest response on this thread. I am dying here. This is some funny arse stuff...:lol:

Who actually came up with this cockamamie law anyway?
Seriously, we should have a prize for the funniest response on this thread. I am dying here. This is some funny arse stuff...:lol:

Who actually came up with this cockamamie law anyway?

Some scumbag :yes4:
This thread reminds me of the Match Game scene in Howard Stern's movie "Private Parts", where they're trying to come-up with ways around the censors. Funny stuff.

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Apache jct is on top five most undesirable places to live. That's true

Follow up headline should read

Apache Junction restaurateurs wonder who's next to get cock shot:crazy_pilot: