Welcome to the New World Order!!!

The simple fix!!! :)
> This is from an article in the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday.
> The Business Section asked readers for ideas on "How Would You Fix the
> Economy?"
> I think this guy nailed it!
> Dear Mr. President,
> Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead
> Of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money
> On lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can
> Call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:
> There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. - Pay them
> $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following
> Stipulations:
> 1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
> 2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered - Auto
> Industry fixed.
> 3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing
> Crisis fixed.
> It can't get any easier than that!
> P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress and their
> Constituents pay their taxes...
> If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know. If
> Not, please disregard.
Has anyone looked into this for how true it is?

The local Chrylser dealer is a personal friend of mine, the backyard barbecue variety. He bought, at Chryslers insistence a property that was a $12 million dollar piece of land a year or two ago. He is one of the top 150 dealers in the nation, and they pulled his franchise. Incidentally, he is the only Chrysler dealer in this little town of 450,000 people, and there is another Dodge dealer about 5 miles away, and their product lines do not cross. The next closest Chrysler dealer is in Phoenix, which in the car dealership world is a ways a way. The only reason that they can verify that they did that many of the other dealerships that did not have their franchise pulled, is that he supported only republican candidates. There is no other possible explanation.
Has anyone looked into this for how true it is?

The local Chrylser dealer is a personal friend of mine, the backyard barbecue variety. He bought, at Chryslers insistence a property that was a $12 million dollar piece of land a year or two ago. He is one of the top 150 dealers in the nation, and they pulled his franchise. Incidentally, he is the only Chrysler dealer in this little town of 450,000 people, and there is another Dodge dealer about 5 miles away, and their product lines do not cross. The next closest Chrysler dealer is in Phoenix, which in the car dealership world is a ways a way. The only reason that they can verify that they did that many of the other dealerships that did not have their franchise pulled, is that he supported only republican candidates. There is no other possible explanation.

This type of behavior even in bankruptcy is unprecedented.

Before I start my next paragraph I want to make it perfectly clear that I am in total disagreement with what has happened. I am so disgusted by this and some of the other things that are brewing in this country that for the first time in my life I am feeling there will be no bouncing back from this, ever. The goal of Obama and the loser nutcases he has in the white house is to take over every industry that they are in disagreement with and destroy it.

They don't want cars. Check
They don't want oil. (Still working on it, no drilling)
They don't want the current banking system. Check
They don't want any choice in health care. (Working on it)

The list goes on and on.

Now, with that said, the car dealerships have used and abused people for years and it's too bad they all aren't closed now, (but by natural selection of survival of the fittest - NOT through the direction of the government) As a whole they have no loyalty. Not to the customers, not to the salespeople, not to their own management.

It is not uncommon for a General Manager to be fired after 15 or 20 years for little JimBob to take over the job because he's now 22 and just got out of college to work the family business.

It is not uncommon for a sales manager to get on the phone and put an ad in the paper and hire 10 salespeople because he saw one customer walking on the lot without a salesman hanging on his d*ck. (In most of those cases the "customer" has told all the salespeople to screw off but the manager doesn't care.

They don't care because those new salespeople don't cost them a dime. In some states they don't even have to be paid minimum wage. I've seen guys work for days shoveling snow and moving cars and shoveling more snow and moving more cars only to get a check for $110 for two weeks work.

It's a horrible business and that's why I have nothing to do with it anymore. In all my years of working for and/or with car dealerships I've only come across ONE dealership that seems to be above corruption and that's because the GM of that dealership won't put up with it. So I'm sure there are lots of others out there. They are just few and far between.

It always amazed me when a car dealership owner could put on a $50,000 party for a girlfriend the same week he paid a guy $150.00 for two weeks work when a total of 8 potential customers braved the snow to come to the showroom and they had to be split between 15 salespeople.
This type of behavior even in bankruptcy is unprecedented.

Before I start my next paragraph I want to make it perfectly clear that I am in total disagreement with what has happened. I am so disgusted by this and some of the other things that are brewing in this country that for the first time in my life I am feeling there will be no bouncing back from this, ever. The goal of Obama and the loser nutcases he has in the white house is to take over every industry that they are in disagreement with and destroy it.

They don't want cars. Check
They don't want oil. (Still working on it, no drilling)
They don't want the current banking system. Check
They don't want any choice in health care. (Working on it)

The list goes on and on.

Now, with that said, the car dealerships have used and abused people for years and it's too bad they all aren't closed now, (but by natural selection of survival of the fittest - NOT through the direction of the government) As a whole they have no loyalty. Not to the customers, not to the salespeople, not to their own management.

It is not uncommon for a General Manager to be fired after 15 or 20 years for little JimBob to take over the job because he's now 22 and just got out of college to work the family business.

It is not uncommon for a sales manager to get on the phone and put an ad in the paper and hire 10 salespeople because he saw one customer walking on the lot without a salesman hanging on his d*ck. (In most of those cases the "customer" has told all the salespeople to screw off but the manager doesn't care.

They don't care because those new salespeople don't cost them a dime. In some states they don't even have to be paid minimum wage. I've seen guys work for days shoveling snow and moving cars and shoveling more snow and moving more cars only to get a check for $110 for two weeks work.

It's a horrible business and that's why I have nothing to do with it anymore. In all my years of working for and/or with car dealerships I've only come across ONE dealership that seems to be above corruption and that's because the GM of that dealership won't put up with it. So I'm sure there are lots of others out there. They are just few and far between.

It always amazed me when a car dealership owner could put on a $50,000 party for a girlfriend the same week he paid a guy $150.00 for two weeks work when a total of 8 potential customers braved the snow to come to the showroom and they had to be split between 15 salespeople.

As disgusting as this government has become, i beleive thier is alot of truth to this post as well. I am not defending the scruples of the dealerships, i am questioning the Balls of this government!!
We have 3 and 1/2 years of this kind of crap coming at us UNLESS WE STAND UP TO IT PERIOD............The time is NOW.

We need to let our Government know they WORK FOR US, not the other way around.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have"

Thomas Jefferson
We have 3 and 1/2 years of this kind of crap coming at us UNLESS WE STAND UP TO IT PERIOD............The time is NOW.

We need to let our Government know they WORK FOR US, not the other way around.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have"

Thomas Jefferson

Did you say 3 1/2 years........hmmm.:p