Welcome to America Part 2

And Mexico's president Calderone has the nerve to come to America and tell us that we should change the recently passes Arizona law... If the Feds would enforce illegal immigration the states would not have to create such laws to try and protect themselves.
And Mexico's president Calderone has the nerve to come to America and tell us that we should change the recently passes Arizona law... If the Feds would enforce illegal immigration the states would not have to create such laws to try and protect themselves.

He lives in Tucson by Tom
Problem with the above theories is that the illegals who are here by and large are not BECOMING americans at all. The rules , and socal norms are not being accepted by them they do not care about the politics or government of this country until it infrenges on them and what they want to do ( immigration)
These people are here to get money no other reason.
Not freedom not religon, not from presecution, they are here to get money.
They get jobs, yes jobs that someone who is here legally could work ( spare us all the "nobody here legally would work that job" speech) They work it under a fake Social security number the feds know it the first time taxes and FICA are filed , they don't care because they know that tax will never be returned as a social security pay out so it is free money for them. ( one of the reasons they are not too keen on immigration reform)
Those workers cash the checks at a check cashing store so it never enters the financial system preventing a valid loan from being written for people here legally. It is then used for certian commodities here in the US and alot of that money is wired or bank transferred back to thier home countries ( $210 billion dollars from bank of America in 2008 alone) with no impact on the US economy ( we are basicly bled dry)
That is a great insight man! That is the simple reason for all this political posturing.

The dems have a base of tree-huggers and America haters that will stand behind them 100% if they gave amnesty to all illegals. But if they did that, all the middle of the roaders they gained during the Bush years will leave them like they left Bush.

They are stuck.

I predict they will do something akin to the following:

1) Make a big todo about "feeling Arizona's pain" and will send more, so called "patrols", to the border in Arizona. (directing the illegals to the east and the west to California and New Mexico so Arizona will just shut up)
2) Claim they have stopped most illegal immigration after a short time and there will be 20/20 and Dateline shows on deserted roads that used to be illegal trails to back up the lie.
3) They will implement an amnesty program that will START in about 7 years after most of them have already made it through the next two + elections.

Then they can "claim" to have been strong on illegal immigration, Claim to have saved Arizona, Claim to have been "humane" and allowed amnesty while actually doing nothing except pushing it off on the next administration.

But then again, maybe Obama is dumb enough to believe the left wing nutcases is all he needs to keep his regime in power. Who knows?

Part 1 begins:

Idont think you are really addressing the scopeof theproblem. TheUS actually has fairly easy, decent immigrstion policies. The problem with the illegal population is thay there are still hoops that habe to be jumped through, but they are unwilling to make that effort. Then when they arrive here, they hold people they perceive to be gringos in contempt and want to make their society our society. My thought is, if this country is one of the few worth trying to get tp, and it still is, and you really want to be here, which they do, play by the rules, only come if you have no criminal background, and assimilate. Dont think we should change for you. You need to change to our society within a generation.