Welcome to America Part 2

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
I don't know if this is real or not, I got it in my email from my Mom. I bet Tom could tell us if it's real.

It's easy for me to believe because it looks just like the shores of Lake Mead every Monday morning all summer.

Here you go:

Hey everyone out there!

We, in Arizona , know you're boycotting us -- but you really should come out

here and see our Beautiful Sonoran Desert .

It's just gorgeous right now! We know you'd love it and maybe you can share

what you saw with the rest of the country so they can love it too!


This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA ( Tucson ) used by human smugglers.

This area is located in a wash, approximately 1.5 miles long, just south of Tucson , Arizona .

If a flood came, all this would be washed to the river and then onto the sea!


It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water
containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers.
And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it.

As we kept walking down the wash, we thought for sure it was going to end,

but round every corner was more and more trash!


And of course the trail leading out of the wash in our city, heads directly NORTH to

Tucson, then leads to any U.S. town tomorrow. (Your town perhaps?)


They've already come through here. Isn't Arizona just beautiful, America ?

Why would you ever want to boycott us???

Our desert has basically been turned into a unregulated landfill.

The trash left behind by people illegally crossing our border is another Environmental Disaster now hitting the USA !

If these actions had been done in one of our Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas,
there would be an uprising of the American people.....but this is the Arizona-Mexican border.

You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Republic Repugnant newspaper.

Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the uncovered human waste left in our desert.

However, with respect to CNN, ABC & NBC, they do offer us "Special Reports" on cheating

celebrity spouses.... This information needs to be seen by the rest of the country.

"It's not about Right vs Left, Liberal vs. Conservative, Republican vs. Democrat .

It's all about supporting the US Constitution"

All on a friday Night T? You know I dont agree with you. See I guess people will now know your not my Sheep.

We do not agree on many things, this is one of them.

Your grandfather went through Ellis Island or Mississippi. They might have seen that plaque as they came here illegal.

The point is they had a chance when they stepped off the boat to apply and if they did the right things they got to stay. We have nothing remotely close.

Thats the problem in a nut shell.
I am completely against the premise that illegal immigrants can or will be granted benefits and status without conditions... People like me who are going through the process legally, bought a business, employ Americans, paid thousands of dollars in legal fees to navigate the complex immigration system. Coupled with the need to re-apply to renew status every 2 years, continue to show business growth regardless of economic conditions, and the threat of being thrown out of the country if the application is rejected.

Ultimately, the political and social climate is different from what it was from the 17th century onwards. The push and pull factors to come to america were different: religious, political and economic freedom were major factors, but there was never the same welfare system and burden on taxpayers that there is today.

If illegals are to be 'tolerated', it should be all or nothing... either apply the letter of the law and get them the hell out of the US or grant them some form of status and apply the laws of the land to them in the same manner as they are for legal residents and citizens (oh yeah, and English is the language of the US - everything else is secondary, if you can't speak, read or understand it... you better learn it!!)

Many illegals may want to become citizens and contribute to US society - but if their is a vehicle for them to become citizens easily, that same vehicle should be available to those who have gone through or are going through the system legally.

As things stand right now... it comes down to this...

Welcome to America Steven. You are an asset to this country and I, for one, am glad to have you here at your home.

Is the immigration process too hard? I thought the immigration process was like the interest rate. I thought the US could tighten restrictions when needed to slow down growth or loosen restrictions when needed.

I guess I was wrong. I need to study up on this more.

I wonder how far Steven would have gotten in the process if he took a dump on the sidewalk outside the immigration office and threw his garbage all over the street outside. This isn't confined to the "path" they continue this lifestyle of dumping garbage all over even after they've been here for years.
I'm with you Steven. It's a major slap in the face for guys like you that go about it the legal, lengthy and expensive way.

If Tony's parents had landed in Boston and avoided Ellis Island they should have and would have been deported. This is not about immigration it is about illegal entry in to our country.

The biggest issue I have is with our government allowing it to get this out of control. That doesn't make it OK in my book.

All this crap about profiling etc in AZ is all about buying votes. Period. The dems know if they can give amnesty to millions of illegals they will have millions of democratic voters instantly. What they didn't count on is the millions of democratic voters that think illegals should be deported. They will loose those supporters.

I'm curious what the Arizona unemployment rate will be in about 6 months. Anyone that thinks illegals only do jobs that Americans won't is mistaken.
It's not that it is too hard... it's not easy, and neither it should be. All I would ask for in the system is that there be fairness across the board and due consideration is given to individual circumstances. At the end of the day it is humans and people's lives that we are talking about, many immigration cases should be treated for their own merits.

I think I have said it before, but if I wanted an easy life and if I agreed with the entitlement mentality I would have stayed in Scotland where if I fell on hard times the government would have 'taken care' of my needs. As the facts stand with my situation, I want to become a citizen, I run a growing business, I employ an american, a legal permanent resident and sub-contract to an american company. We are about to close on a house, have bought 2 cars, will be paying cash for medical expenses associated with having our first child here... blah, blah, blah.

With my current status I don't have an option to become a citizen... :lmao:... funny, ain't it?!!

Anyways, I'm making this about me... but it it irks me that illegals can get preferential treatment in becoming a permanent resident or citizen. I'm gonna' get back to eating my Klondike bar... :thumbup:
For what it is worth most ofmy ancestors lsnded around 1617 on my dads side. We dont know about my mom. We have to figure out who her grandfather is. There is a significant percentsge of aboriginal american in there, though
. The dems know if they can give amnesty to millions of illegals they will have millions of democratic voters instantly. What they didn't count on is the millions of democratic voters that think illegals should be deported. They will loose those supporters.

That is a great insight man! That is the simple reason for all this political posturing.

The dems have a base of tree-huggers and America haters that will stand behind them 100% if they gave amnesty to all illegals. But if they did that, all the middle of the roaders they gained during the Bush years will leave them like they left Bush.

They are stuck.

I predict they will do something akin to the following:

1) Make a big todo about "feeling Arizona's pain" and will send more, so called "patrols", to the border in Arizona. (directing the illegals to the east and the west to California and New Mexico so Arizona will just shut up)
2) Claim they have stopped most illegal immigration after a short time and there will be 20/20 and Dateline shows on deserted roads that used to be illegal trails to back up the lie.
3) They will implement an amnesty program that will START in about 7 years after most of them have already made it through the next two + elections.

Then they can "claim" to have been strong on illegal immigration, Claim to have saved Arizona, Claim to have been "humane" and allowed amnesty while actually doing nothing except pushing it off on the next administration.

But then again, maybe Obama is dumb enough to believe the left wing nutcases is all he needs to keep his regime in power. Who knows?
For what it is worth most ofmy ancestors lsnded around 1617 on my dads side. We dont know about my mom. We have to figure out who her grandfather is. There is a significant percentsge of aboriginal american in there, though

Don't bring up too much about your background or Ron will throw at you the idea that Arizona used to belong to Mexico and it's rightfully theirs. :scratchhead:

Guess what Ron, The US used to belong to England too. But we booted their a**es out by winning a war against them.

At least Mexico was paid for the land.

Sorry Ron, I'll go back to grazing now.:blush:
Theres not a whole lot to it.... They just want to come here to make a better lives for themselves. Isnt that what we all want? Like said above Our govt screws this up like everything else. Give them a good way to come here legally. Hell if there gonna come anyways give them some kind of incentive to stand in a line so we can get there name at least.....

Then shut the border down PERIOD. Our country has every right to close our borders and use any means necessary to do it. Matter of fact our govt has the responsibility to do it. For one real reason Drugs. The drugs that cross that border are ruining our country and somebody needs to do something about it.
Jailbreak ...great another minion thats a free thinker....Tony please look at the swinging watch....your getting sleeeeeepy sleeeepy.....repeat after me.." I am a minion" (we want you back tony) :ignore: hahhahhaha
Don't bring up too much about your background or Ron will throw at you the idea that Arizona used to belong to Mexico and it's rightfully theirs. :scratchhead:

And Mexico stole it from Spain....And spain stole it from the indians....What tribe owned it first and what tribe slaughtered that tribe to steal it??
Well, if we are talking about we paid for Arizona is missing a sea port...just saying.
Guess what Ron, The US used to belong to England too. But we booted their a**es out by winning a war against them.

Personally I don't think that ever happens really. Thats another theory...for another day.

I'm not for anything but legal people coming here. The problem is not Mexicans that want a better life like steven wants. But just hard working people to share the wealth and contribute like everyone else. The current systems promotes welfare and criminals coming not hard working legal people like Steven.

I love having Steven Here,

Steven, If you dont mind I would like to ask a few Questions?
Theres not a whole lot to it.... They just want to come here to make a better lives for themselves. Isnt that what we all want? Like said above Our govt screws this up like everything else. Give them a good way to come here legally. Hell if there gonna come anyways give them some kind of incentive to stand in a line so we can get there name at least.....

Then shut the border down PERIOD. Our country has every right to close our borders and use any means necessary to do it. Matter of fact our govt has the responsibility to do it. For one real reason Drugs. The drugs that cross that border are ruining our country and somebody needs to do something about it.

Theres a difference here - people, illegals or whatever, that want to come here to BE Americans - and people who come here to get what they can. I don't think I care about anyone coming here and assimilating into "America". The problem is WE are not the shining light of freedom that we used to be, our country has adpopted most of the failed socialism of the rest of the world. But people who run roughshod into the country and have contempt for us - screw off.

I didn't see any pictures on your post Tony but yes that is an accurate description. Its literally unbelievable until you see some of the areas in person. I hunt all along the border area and it is a new land now.
I didn't see any pictures on your post Tony but yes that is an accurate description. Its literally unbelievable until you see some of the areas in person. I hunt all along the border area and it is a new land now.

If we had legal ways the river would be cleaner.

Your right about the patriot thing, we have lost it.

We also dont have a system that instills this into people coming here. It was a great program to make people be proud to have citizenship. Its gone and we seem to think its not important to learn about our countrys history.

We just want to change the constitution to suit our now needs without thinking about what it means for the future. The future is here and its a mess. We are stepping closer and closer to distruction of the freedoms that built this great nation,.
Theres a difference here - people, illegals or whatever, that want to come here to BE Americans - and people who come here to get what they can. I don't think I care about anyone coming here and assimilating into "America". The problem is WE are not the shining light of freedom that we used to be, our country has adpopted most of the failed socialism of the rest of the world. But people who run roughshod into the country and have contempt for us - screw off.

I didn't see any pictures on your post Tony but yes that is an accurate description. Its literally unbelievable until you see some of the areas in person. I hunt all along the border area and it is a new land now.

That's exactly right! My ancestors came here to BE Americans, not IRISH/Americans not ENGLISH/Americans not AFRICAN/Americans etc, etc, etc ad nauseum. My ancestors came here and learned how to speak the language because they came here to BE Americans and not to simply TAKE from the Americans.

Can you see these pics Tom?
