Website Tonight. Anyone ever use it?

Hey Gerald

The first bit of advice I will give is to avoid websites that are template based. Search engines do not get along with these very well and they don't drill deep into the template to poll info. Websites are key IMO especially if you do commercial as most PM's Google and haven't used a phone book in years. 90 % of my advertising budget goes to development and search engine optimization and updating. Even more and more homeowners are "Googling these days. I think the only way to go is to build or have someone build a custom CODE based site from ground up. Much more flexible and SEO friendly for sure. Template based sites really will not perform nearly as good as code based. It is much less expensive to get up and running with the template sites but in the long run better off spending the investment on the proper site build.

Good Luck.
Google Maps are more important than websites in this day in age. Part of the ranking from Google Maps I'm pretty sure comes of the ranking of your website though.
I would say if you can afford to have someone design it It will pay off in the long run. because it is actually cheaper the just have them host the website. then to pay for website tonight and hosting. Compare to if you just pay some one one time to create your website and have them fix it up every once in a while. Trust me it will pay off in the long run. Now if you cant afford it right now then yes i would suggest website tonight. We use it, I figured it out very quickly.
Thanks for the reply's. In the area I live and operate I feel it's not that important to my business to be "website known" if that makes sense. I see it as a tool for local homeowners or businesses to gain some info about what I do and what I can do for them. I'm the only washer in the area and I'm finding it's up to me to explain what I'm doing. What better way than to build a site and let them go there to read up on my services. Not many...probably most around here don't have websites. It would be kinda cool to direct my customers to one.