Wow Tony, those posts made my day!
A question if I may---what happened in '07,08 that caused a 300k turnaround?
Thanks for posting that scripture from Luke. I needed to read that today. You know, everyone always says (regarding money), "You can't take it with you!" Isn't that the truth. I try to keep a perspective by remembering that at any given moment, everything...EVERYTHING I've worked for/been blessed with can come crashing down. If I'm lucky, I could crash down to an even zero. Not so lucky, could crash to extreme debt (through health, injury, lawsuit, etc). Earth is certainly not where we should lay up our treasures.
Real quick....I heard a story about Donald Trump one time. Back in the (I think) late 90's is when the NYC economy fell, and Trump lost BIG TIME. As I recall the story, he was walking through the city with a lady friend, when the came upon a homeless person. She says, "aw, I feel so sorry for that guy...he has nothing."
Trump said, "You know what, he may have nothing, but I'm 900million dollars in debt!! Financially, I'd give anything to trade places with that guy!"
Of course what the homeless man didn't have was a CAPACITY to rapidly get out of 900MM debt, and now be worth 3-5B. So no matter what you ever lose, nobody can take away what you've learned, the tough lessons, and your ability to stare risk in the face and say, "bring it."