That reminded me, the other day I was outside with my pressure washer soaping down my wifes floor mats for her van..
My 3 yr old ran by and I said hey remember the lady on the news months back that got in trouble for spraying her kid at the carwash with the pressue hose?
I turned and sprayed my daughter with mine and said hope no one saw wife had a fit and my daughter loved it....had to spray her again....
(she was far away and it was with a soap tip) but my wife doesnt know the difference.
I did it. I'm sorry. It all started as a prank and then all the sudden the whole earth warmed up and now the world has gone crazy and I can't water my lawn and I have to wear a seatbelt wherever I go.
And if they catch me letting Fayth drink out of the hose again they're going to put me in jail!
It was just supposed to be a little prank. I'm responsible.
Tony you are the guy made every one now have to wear seatbelt just because goverment picked you to be the fall guy damn man I hate seatbelts.
waste water, that you collect inside/outside a resturant