Washing football stadium


New member
Hello Everyone,

I am bidding on washing every surface within a high school football stadium. It has lots of concrete. The bleachers,steps,walkways,walls,score box etc... are all concrete. There are many surfaces that will not be accessible to my Landa Water Jet. I will either have to wand it or get a small wand held surface cleaner.

My question to the gurus of pressure is on pricing. The concrete is really dirty. Should I price the walls different from the floor? I want to give a fair price, but I don't want to bite off a money pit. I am currently priceing by the square foot. There is approximately 40,000 square feet of concrete.

Thanks Again for your advice.

ron p

if i were you.
I would talk to a couple other hot water pressure washers in my area and get a daily price to sub out part of the work.
Then average out the good with the bad and come up with a set price.
That's a lot of work and sometimes a piece of the pie is better then trying to eat it all in one sitting.
When you go to sell the job and talk about a CREW rather then just YOU. It will be more impressive. Also get the work done in a more timely fashion.
2 guy's with hot water and a 8 gpm unit to rinse.[or 2 5 gpm unit's and an extra guy.
every penny per sq ft means a lot. This is where being a good salesman will pay off and pay well.
It would help you a lot if you could find out who else bid or is bidding.
If you were to break it down, I'd charge more for the floor.........the walls are not likely to have gum on them.......
40,000 feet is not that much. I would not even sub it out. Make sure that you have some decent Chem's and use them liberally. That is important to speed up your productivity. If all the gum is to be removed, and there is a significant amount of it, I would price them differently, But if the people that are in charge just want the grime removed, I would charge the same price for all of it.
BTW, if it was me it would probably take me a max of 12 to 14 hours to do the work.

Scott Stone

Some things to also consider:

How close can you get your rig?

Do you have a lot of hp hose? You will need a helper just to pull hose for you.

Do you have a lot of water hose and is it 3/4"?

If the field is grass make sure the sprinkler system is turned off when you do the job.
Low flow could toast your pump. Have you verified the flow at the stadium?

If the field is astro turf or if the track is rubber they won't let you have access to the field side!

Chems that work good on concrete may cause damge to aluminum benches or plastic theater seating.

Where does the water run off go? Not on the track I hope!

Do the bathrooms get washed also?

You may consider using a gas blower to do some precleaning.

Sounds like it could be a good paying job.

Not trying to discourage you at all. Good luck!

Scott, Ive done the local University Stadium a couple of times. Seating is about 20K. 300' long , 2 levels w/ concourse between and all the sidewalks leading up to the seats. It was about 200K sq ft of concrete.

Make sure there is close access to the work and plenty of water outlets. We ran water tanks so we didnt have a pressure problem.

Blow off the debree of get the grounds crew to do it.

Water runoff went to storm drains, so we didnt use chemicals just hot water. Post treated some areas with a flowjet with bleach and water and let the sun brighten it up.

Took about 10 days / 4 pws/ 5 guys. Once negotiated on price they wanted to know , when can you start and when will you finish. Has to deal with football players, cheerleaders, band members, drill teams and coaches. Coaches were the worst, they wanted to drive up the concourse and park in your work area. They were so offended when we told them to park with the players and walk. LOL! A bunch of premadonna's.

Lots of fuel.

Daily prep took about 1 - 11/2 hrs , fueling , laying out and rolling up.

Be ready for changes and add ons as you go. Can you do this? Can you do that? wash feild house, etc.

Have some backup parts, packings, orings, unloaders, hoses. Once you get rolling you dont want any down time. We do our own repairs. Its quick and simple, and time is money.

All in all we made really good money. Paid the crew a bonus and went to Out Back for steaks when done. Let them bring a date and I picked up tab. Everything but the booze.

Would do it again.

Second Contractor was 50% higher than me. We made money. But left alot sitting on the table. Dont want to get greedy and loose out completely.

If I can get HP Photo shop to work will post some pics.