Warning on legal employees,

Thats Exactly MY Point

Interesting discussion...

I am in the US on E-2 Treaty Investor Status, so it is a million miles away from immigrant workers or jumping the border - there is a set criteria you have to meet to qualify:

Requirements: Treaty Investor

The investor, either a real or corporate person, must be a national of a treaty country;

The investment must be substantial. It must be sufficient to ensure the successful operation of the enterprise. The percentage of investment for a low-cost business enterprise must be higher than the percentage of investment in a high-cost enterprise;

The investment must be a real operating enterprise. Speculative or idle investment does not qualify. Uncommitted funds in a bank account or similar security are not considered an investment;

The investment may not be marginal. It must generate significantly more income than just to provide a living to the investor and family, or it must have a significant economic impact in the United States;

The investor must have control of the funds, and the investment must be at risk in the commercial sense. Loans secured with the assets of the investment enterprise are not allowed; and

The investor must be coming to the U.S. to develop and direct the enterprise. If the applicant is not the principal investor, he or she must be employed in a supervisory, executive, or highly specialized skill capacity. Ordinary skilled and unskilled workers do not qualify.

This immigration status is issued for certain time periods - how they decide on the time periods.... pull it out of the hat?!?! no one knows. They are allowed to grant between 2 and 5 years, from my understanding they are only giving out 2 years to UK citizens - so basically that's 2 years to "have a significant economic impact in the United States"... hmmm, how many of you guys made a significant economic impact in your first 2 years of business? :rolleyes:

Like I said in my previous post, I know the process I face and know what I need to do... so no complaints - the system does suck though... I could go on, but this thread isn't about me! :D

... I was tempted for all of .000001 of a second, but then I remembered, I can't work for anyone on my immigration status... lol :D

DJ, I would never dream of telling you how to run your business - by the sounds of things your approach is working great, business is growing and you are developing your company - more power to you. However, I live in a pretty upscale neighborhood (no reflection on me!!!!!) and the majority of homeowners have hispanic/mexican lawn and landscape guys... from my experience, all they care about is getting the job done and the job done right... is my lawn cut, edged, trimmings blown from paths, closed the gates, didn't leave a mess... happy customer.

Some of the landscape trucks that I see pull up are beaten up, the 'uniforms' are dirty, guys unshaven - not really professional, but they get the job done and do it well.

I am not trying to convert you or change your thinking, just commenting on your viewpoint to immigrants... For Example, If you come across a hard working mexican/latino/hispanic (?) and you train them, they listen and learn, you provide them with your sharp looking uniform, teach them your professional expectations with regard to conduct and manner and they are using your shiny new tools to get the job done - is that really 'cheap work price wise'. You have spent time and money hiring, training, outfitting your employee and they are using the same equipment that a US citizen employee would be using to do the same job. I really hope your customers are not that narrow-minded, that would be a shame.

... I'm rambling, I guess I'm not in your neck of your woods and you know your customers better than I do - I just hope you would not lose out on building an excellent team to help your business grow because of you 'customers prejudices'. My customers buy my service, they can be content in the fact that whoever delivers that service meets CleanFast USA standards, regardless of color, nationality, religion, etc., etc.

one last thing, when I first came to Florida and bought my Pool Service business I had visions of revolutionizing the service proposition - afterall, I came from high-end recreational facilities and leisure complexes, where I was dealing with commercial swimming pools and water features. I was going to add all sorts of bells and whistles to make the service experience something more than it needed to be. Basically, after testing a few electronic and automated communication methods and customer access points - I came to the conclusion that I was wasting, time, effort and money.


The customer just wanted a clean, safe swimming pool - no hassles, no problems - just a clean, safe swimming pool.

Are your customers really that bothered about WHO cuts their grass?

Steven, very very valid points, not all of my customers care but i eliminate the threat of it every comping up by not hiring them. IT COMES DOWN TO I JUST DO NOT WANT THAT IMAGE OF MY COMPANY!!! i dont want to be the white owned Hispanic ran lawn company like every other one you see!!!

DJ, I know what you mean I have a big problem with Illegals, I think they are a major cause of lower prices , wages, crime etc.

But who do you target? I know the richest, upper middle class & middle class neighborhoods, million dollar plus homes to $150K homes have Mexicans working on landscape crews. some are owned by Hispanics. Its just a given nowadays. Of course some may not hire those companies but I see very few, people know thats how a company keeps it affordable to do biz. I wish we could get rid of every illegal, I know our country would be better off
Thats EXACTLY my point jeff!!! People look and see Hispanics and think oh theres the cheap guys or the "affordable guys" Thats Bullshit and it pisses me off. . . I'm not cheap if you want a nice looking lawn your gonna pay for it! Thats just how i run that side of my business. In power washing you sell on free time, saving people head aches yada yada Well since my company will be at you house EVERY WEEK i can also sell on security!!! Like it or not thats how people are (at least in my area)
You have fleets of trucks, equipment and account after account the customer isn't going to relate it as cheap either. Might be your area but around here there would be some TALL grass if it wasn't for the Hispanics LOL

I' don't blame you for not hiring, it is a pain, not really knowing if they are legal or not. I pretty much stay away from them too. When Easy Pro has 6 trucks and trailers and are doing entire neighborhoods, there just might be a chance we some Mexicans driving in your trucks


Another thing that most lawn companies and landscaping companies don't understand is that a profit margin is a percentage. Here is a little analogy

Company A does a job for $50 because he uses a mexican at $5 an hour which is half of what Company B pays their guy ($10/hr) so there for he can be half Company B's price and he figures he will get the job . . . Company B bids the job at $100 . . lets look at the price break down

-----------Company B---------Company A
total price-----50-----------------100
Hours--------- 2 ------------------2
Labor cost----10------------------20
Net Money----40------------------80

Hmm. . . Ya buddy Company B is saving alot on the labor but he's a D-A because he dropped his pants because he uses Mexicans and he thinks that lowering price is the only way top sell a job! This is where you get that mentality that you have to use them to "keep it affordable". If all LCO would see this and raise their prices i wouldn't have a problem with them using illegals or robots or what ever they wanted to use but i'm not going to be connected in any way shape or form with the hacks . . . Thats where i stand now and where i will always stand unless sh!t changes!!!!
Am I the exception to the rule here DJ? Most of my guys that work for me are Hispanic - here legally - valid SSN#'s and etc.

I own a landscaping/concrete business! I am Hispanic. Does that mean I am percieved as a company that hires cheap labor?

I am trying to see how this shoe fits for me! I run a million dollar plus operation. My project manager at the height of our success took home 236k one year not so long ago.

I do have a reputation in my coverage area that:

#1 - I aint cheap. I bid and win on jobs that average a 100k+ all the time;

#2 - I know my industry well and I do fabulous work.

#3 - laborers know that if they want to work for me they better have their paperwork in order - no compromise.

#4 - I pay my guys very well!

#5 - If you speak spanish ~ get your ass to night school and learn english - I pay for that also

#6 - I don't speak spanish (I get lost in Taco Bell) ~ some of my new hires ask what happened? I say to them, "what do you mean what happened - I am an American".

#7 - I have very little turnover if any at all ~ during the winter months my workers don't go back to Mexico or any other country they may be from (France, Germany, Ireland, Haiti). I tell them that if they leave they may not have a job when they come back. You stick with me through the good and bad times. When times get bad do I have an option to sneak over the border and wait it out - NOPE. I am an American and this is my home!

#8 ~ I resent that people that are here illegally can just purchase a plane ticket home when the going gets tough in the U.S. - Meanwhile us Americans keep the economy moving during the winter months. Come Spring time the folks that are illegal somehow show up! I don't have the luxury nor do I want the luxury to bail out on my country.

#9 - My customers don't even blink an eye at the ethnic makeup of my

#10 - As far as some Hispanics are concerned - hard workers

#11 - As far as some Europeans - hard workers

#12 - As far as some Asians - hard workers

#13 - As far as some Americans - hard workers

#14 - As far as some Hispanics - lazy

#15 - As far as some Europeans - lazy

#16 - As far as some Asians - lazy

#17 - As far as some Americans - lazy

There is an old saying DJ....You can't live your way into good thinking but you can think your way into good living!

Anyway....don't know what my post has to do with the subject at hand. DJ - you call me frequently and ask advise. You are a rising star in this industry. However, your still new...you haven't been around the block as many times as some the veterans here.

You dove into a pissing contest here that you will not win! There is a whole lot of heritage on this board....careful what you say brother. I know personally you mean no ill....however, some folks may take your responses as being a little over the top.

Its all good in Cali.....anyway I am going to Taco Bell to get a hamburger.....with cheese!!!!
Carlos you and i have became very good friends so i really hope you don't take all of this the wrong way man! I am not prejudice AT ALL. . . Ron just said what i have been trying to say . . .I don't dislike the workers i dis like the worthless MOTHR******* that use them so they can charge cheap prices. This results as those workers being seen as cheap labor which in turn puts a cheap price tag on the company. Thats how it is here . . . If its not like that where any of you are then AWESOME!!!! I wish i didn't have the problem but i do and this is how i combat it!

I seriously hope i didn't offend any one i didn't mean anything personal by this

Don't worry about it DJ, I think people arent really offended at all, they just want you to look at in different ways and maybe or maybe not change your mind or at least have many views on the subject.

Man I have said many of the same things you have said in different ways.

Its all in what you listen to ad listening is a part of learning. Plus its always fun to beat up on the young guy every once in a while LOL:eek:
Carlos you and i have became very good friends so i really hope you don't take all of this the wrong way man! I am not prejudice AT ALL. . . Ron just said what i have been trying to say . . .I don't dislike the workers i dis like the worthless MOTHR******* that use them so they can charge cheap prices. This results as those workers being seen as cheap labor which in turn puts a cheap price tag on the company. Thats how it is here . . . If its not like that where any of you are then AWESOME!!!! I wish i didn't have the problem but i do and this is how i combat it!


Brother...you know me better than that. We're tight and will remain tight. I am not offended at all...cause I know who you are and what you are about. I wanted to broaden your scope a little bit to recognize that there are people that do not know you and they may take what you are saying and try to run it into the ground on ya!!!

Plus I wanted folks to know that I don't speak spanish and that I go to Taco Bell to eat hamburgers....with cheese!!! :D
We should start a campaign to bring back the original Enchirito.

Definitly!!! I havent eaten at Taco Bell since people were getting sick I went the other day just to get an Enchirito and they didnt have them. Man that was some good sauce on those. Rise up America, bring it back
I think your missing the point dude. What kind of image do your think Hooters tries to portray? You think that matters to the EEOC?

Hooters restaurants also attracted the attention of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which launched an investigation in 1991 into alleged discrimination because Hooters refused to hire male waiters. In an 80-page finding released in 1994, the EEOC determined that "no physical trait unique to women is required to service food and drink to customers in a restaurant." The EEOC demanded that Hooters of America pay $22 million to men who could show they had been denied jobs because of their gender. The agency also demanded that Hooters establish a scholastic fund "to enhance the skills, employment opportunities or education of males."

So if you happen to piss someone off because you only hire white americans and their daddy happens to be a lawyer, watch out. You wouldnt have a leg to stand on especially since youve stated your position publicly.
i have to be honest , i owned a car wash / detail center and if i didnt have immigrants working for me i would be dead.. it was the white guy who couldnt keep up .. the only problem to find a keeper was like scott said earlier you need to go through to find a keeper.. i also understand what dj is saying .. some people with their nose in the air feel this way .. i dont agree with these people... but what can you do..

btw ron you always cause trouble..lol
My reason for posting this thread was not to get into the pissing contest we have entered.
I just wanted my fellow washers who might be using legal aliens that personal issues can change their status and you have no control on that. Our government may not care about you and prosecute you regardless of the steps you have taken.
That was it in a nut shell, keep your responses going apparently there’s another story here.
i have to be honest , i owned a car wash / detail center and if i didnt have immigrants working for me i would be dead.. it was the white guy who couldnt keep up .. the only problem to find a keeper was like scott said earlier you need to go through to find a keeper.. i also understand what dj is saying .. some people with their nose in the air feel this way .. i dont agree with these people... but what can you do..

btw ron you always cause trouble..lol

It was not intended, as stated in post above.

your legal employees could get into a problem with the law. And you wouldnt know it, now they became illegal overnight. They dont tell you cause maybe they didnt get the notice because they often move. Then they get busted at your car wash by our local Sheriff. he fines you and hauls them back to the land they came from.

Also, this is not about White people, black people or purple people. Its about all of us.

In Arizona I attend meetings of business owners and often I'm a minority as a white male. Women and hispanics in the service industry dominate the field.v
i agree ron ...im not zooming in on one race , im just saying how my business ran .... .. i was joking when i say you always cause troube!! i think this was a good thread.