Warning on legal employees,

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Warning on legal employees,

You may have problems with legal aliens and not know it.

So everyone knows I only hiring legal status immigrants.

Here’s the problem and the warning, if a legal aliens is involved in any crime. Example DUI, if they are prosecuted there alien status is revoked. Of course the immigration service doesn’t notify you or anyone. They often don’t even tell the alien his or her permit is void.

You can see as an employer this makes hiring legal immigrants very difficult. In Arizona we have very tough laws and regulation against illegal workers.
Our police ICE and local Sheriff have Scared most illegal’s off to other states and back to their own countries.

Recently in PHX we have arrested people from all countries not just Mexican nationals.

I lost a 3 year employee going to ASU from Australia, his permit expired and he had to return to Australia for personal reasons and will return. I will hire this gent back the day he steps off the plane.

We need to reform these laws; a close family members wife and School teacher married Ryan(officer in the Army) in South Korea while stationed. He is a Blackhawk pilot and he is now in KY training new Special Forces recruits. I promised her a job because she will only be here for about 6 months and she didn’t want to start a teaching job she would have to quit. Ryan and she will be relocated in Washington in a few months. She can’t even get the legal paper work for 6 months. She is Chinese and a citizen of Australia. She speaks 7 different languages and would only be an asset to society. She is married to an American officer in the ARMY.

Be careful and hopefully we will take care of our immigration laws and start making it possible for good people to get legal status.
Our most recent bust was three illegal’s working at the city library.
DJ, I hate to break it to you, but you do not fully understand the situation.

The workers that Ron is hiring are not spanish speaking, they are from English speaking, they are married to american citizens and are here on other wise legal basis. It is a real pain in this neck of the woods.

I have not hired anyone I even suspected of being illegal for about 5 years now. It has been a great decision. I still run into problems, and people are always shocked when my employees show up. I do need to go through a lot of employees before I find a keeper. I have probably fired or terminated 4 employees to get one good one recently. It is tough all around.
I agree with Ron on this one. I think this country needs to have a more efficient process when it comes to hiring the "good people" from other countries. I don't have the answer on how to do that, but I'm sure some smart gov't official can figure it out.

I am against illegal immigration, big time, but for the ones that are trying to do it the right way I'm on their side.
I fix this problem by not hiring ANY immigrant workers - - -people relate immigrant workers directly to cheap work / / / no thanks not me

So your saying our gi's that fall in love with others from others countrys dont hire them? Hummmmm

Thats pretty un-american? What country are you from DJ? Both my grandparents are from different countries. How about yours? and are they alive, think about where you would be if people had your opionion 50 years ago.

You have been brain washed by goverment and people who cant seem to make a living in this industry.
I fix this problem by not hiring ANY immigrant workers - - -people relate immigrant workers directly to cheap work / / / no thanks not me

Second, as a business person that statement could get you in trouble with labor dept. and many other organizations. Its discrimination......not hiring people based on things such as status or race is not acceptable.

You could in fact recieve fines and other problems assoicated with that very statement. By the way DJ, I have legal Aliens you would not even know the are nationals. Second they have SS#, third if they get in trouble I'm still subject to fines.

My point is you could be in teh same situation. I guess unless your going to require a birth certificate and then have them go to the imigration office and say them are not and alien legal period.
I fix this problem by not hiring ANY immigrant workers - - -people relate immigrant workers directly to cheap work / / / no thanks not me

Third, I have a tech.... He makes over 54,ooo a year. He is a legal mexican National married to a USPS postal worker. He decliened working at the post office because it would have been a pay decrease for him 6 years ago.
he speaks 3 languages and has a degree, he remains a tech and supervisor on my day staff.

I have and english gent who is a sales person who i had to let go because his status was revoked because he got a divorse and his nut ex-wife wanted to stick it to him.

He currently works illegally for a health club. because he is white they hired him taking a chance. He wont come back to me because hes making over 75K.

Scott will also confirm to you guys that we cant get workers around here to mow lawns for less than 10 and hour.

I guess DJ, what i'm trying to say is you have it all wrong. it aint those hard working people your pissed at. its the low lifes that abuse them.
I've got some thoughts in this, will post later...

I'm busy working just now, am a legal immigrant - bound by a time-controlled and results-oriented immigration status. I know what I got into, so no complaints, but the INS certainly don't make it straightforward for legitimate immigrants who want to contribute to and benefit from this great nation.
which in turn makes them "hard working people" "billboards" for low prices. . . I don't know how it is where you are nor do i pretend to but around here if you see a person that looks Hispanic the first thing that pops in your mind is CHEAP and probably ILLEGAL LABOR!!!! I will say it again I will not hire a person that has that image because i don't want that image on my company!!!!
I have a guy that has been with me for 20 years that came in to this country under the bed of a truck. He is the hardest working guy I have ever met, does better quality than any greaser in the industry and does my highest priced jobs. He made over $200k in '07. His wife made more than that selling real estate.

We are all immigrants, like it or not. Hard working immigrants are what made this country great.
which in turn makes them "hard working people" "billboards" for low prices. . . I don't know how it is where you are nor do i pretend to but around here if you see a person that looks Hispanic the first thing that pops in your mind is CHEAP and probably ILLEGAL LABOR!!!! I will say it again I will not hire a person that has that image because i don't want that image on my company!!!!

Wait till you have to fill out forms and the GOV is checking your employment status. You cannot hire people based on the color of there Skin DJ.

Thats illegal and might even get your more fines.
I have a guy that has been with me for 20 years that came in to this country under the bed of a truck. He is the hardest working guy I have ever met, does better quality than any greaser in the industry and does my highest priced jobs. He made over $200k in '07. His wife made more than that selling real estate.

We are all immigrants, like it or not. Hard working immigrants are what made this country great.

Matt, can you Smoke in trucks at facilatec?
Ron im not stupid i understand all that but do you honestly think i would not hire some one because of those reasons?

The customers i target care about stuff like this . . like it or not and i am in business to make a profit and please my customers . . . If they don't feel comfortable with a hispanic male mowing thier grass im not gonna put one on a mower! Not to mention the ones that don't mind are the ones who think im cheap because i use them . . . is that my fault no! is that the hispanics fault no . . .but facts are facts like it or not
which in turn makes them "hard working people" "billboards" for low prices. . . I don't know how it is where you are nor do i pretend to but around here if you see a person that looks Hispanic the first thing that pops in your mind is CHEAP and probably ILLEGAL LABOR!!!! I will say it again I will not hire a person that has that image because i don't want that image on my company!!!!

I understand what you are saying DJ, I too do not like Illegals.
read what he's writing, he's not just talking about Hispanics. I learned a long time ago, never say never.
If a Hispanic/Mexican is legal and spoke the language I would have no problem hiring them as long as they do good work
There is nothing wrong with LEGAL immigrants as they are what have built this country and make it GREAT, But the the ones that run across our borders, take from us are the problem. I have worked with a lot of Mexican legal immigrants and they are hard workers and I really liked working with them. I have friends that are Legal immigrants and are GREAT PEOPLE and are here for a reason to live a better life and give back to a Country they love and work hard for, But the legal process for getting in is real hard, yet the ones that come here Illegally and use our programs or just to have kids are the problem and it really gets to me the ones follwing the rules are punished for going about it the right way. Remember it's not the color of their skin, it's the way they carry them selfs and contribute to our Great Country.
I understand what you are saying DJ, I too do not like Illegals.
read what he's writing, he's not just talking about Hispanics. I learned a long time ago, never say never.
If a Hispanic/Mexican is legal and spoke the language I would have no problem hiring them as long as they do good work

Thats the thing Jeff, I'm not prejudice at all but in the lawn care and landscaping industry, when a HO sees this type of worker they auotmaticly relate it to cheap work price wise . . . i don't want that head ache!

I see what Ron is saying, thats why i say i fix that problem by not hiring any immigrant (no offense to any one)
I've got some thoughts in this, will post later...

I'm busy working just now, am a legal immigrant - bound by a time-controlled and results-oriented immigration status. I know what I got into, so no complaints, but the INS certainly don't make it straightforward for legitimate immigrants who want to contribute to and benefit from this great nation.

Steven, I will hire you for 10.00 dollars an hour if you can't find work.

BTW This is a great thread.
Interesting discussion...

I am in the US on E-2 Treaty Investor Status, so it is a million miles away from immigrant workers or jumping the border - there is a set criteria you have to meet to qualify:

Requirements: Treaty Investor

The investor, either a real or corporate person, must be a national of a treaty country;

The investment must be substantial. It must be sufficient to ensure the successful operation of the enterprise. The percentage of investment for a low-cost business enterprise must be higher than the percentage of investment in a high-cost enterprise;

The investment must be a real operating enterprise. Speculative or idle investment does not qualify. Uncommitted funds in a bank account or similar security are not considered an investment;

The investment may not be marginal. It must generate significantly more income than just to provide a living to the investor and family, or it must have a significant economic impact in the United States;

The investor must have control of the funds, and the investment must be at risk in the commercial sense. Loans secured with the assets of the investment enterprise are not allowed; and

The investor must be coming to the U.S. to develop and direct the enterprise. If the applicant is not the principal investor, he or she must be employed in a supervisory, executive, or highly specialized skill capacity. Ordinary skilled and unskilled workers do not qualify.

This immigration status is issued for certain time periods - how they decide on the time periods.... pull it out of the hat?!?! no one knows. They are allowed to grant between 2 and 5 years, from my understanding they are only giving out 2 years to UK citizens - so basically that's 2 years to "have a significant economic impact in the United States"... hmmm, how many of you guys made a significant economic impact in your first 2 years of business? :rolleyes:

Like I said in my previous post, I know the process I face and know what I need to do... so no complaints - the system does suck though... I could go on, but this thread isn't about me! :D

Steven, I will hire you for 10.00 dollars an hour if you can't find work

BTW This is a great thread.

... I was tempted for all of .000001 of a second, but then I remembered, I can't work for anyone on my immigration status... lol :D

Thats the thing Jeff, I'm not prejudice at all but in the lawn care and landscaping industry, when a HO sees this type of worker they auotmaticly relate it to cheap work price wise . . . i don't want that head ache!

I see what Ron is saying, thats why i say i fix that problem by not hiring any immigrant (no offense to any one)

DJ, I would never dream of telling you how to run your business - by the sounds of things your approach is working great, business is growing and you are developing your company - more power to you. However, I live in a pretty upscale neighborhood (no reflection on me!!!!!) and the majority of homeowners have hispanic/mexican lawn and landscape guys... from my experience, all they care about is getting the job done and the job done right... is my lawn cut, edged, trimmings blown from paths, closed the gates, didn't leave a mess... happy customer.

Some of the landscape trucks that I see pull up are beaten up, the 'uniforms' are dirty, guys unshaven - not really professional, but they get the job done and do it well.

I am not trying to convert you or change your thinking, just commenting on your viewpoint to immigrants... For Example, If you come across a hard working mexican/latino/hispanic (?) and you train them, they listen and learn, you provide them with your sharp looking uniform, teach them your professional expectations with regard to conduct and manner and they are using your shiny new tools to get the job done - is that really 'cheap work price wise'. You have spent time and money hiring, training, outfitting your employee and they are using the same equipment that a US citizen employee would be using to do the same job. I really hope your customers are not that narrow-minded, that would be a shame.

... I'm rambling, I guess I'm not in your neck of your woods and you know your customers better than I do - I just hope you would not lose out on building an excellent team to help your business grow because of you 'customers prejudices'. My customers buy my service, they can be content in the fact that whoever delivers that service meets CleanFast USA standards, regardless of color, nationality, religion, etc., etc.

one last thing, when I first came to Florida and bought my Pool Service business I had visions of revolutionizing the service proposition - afterall, I came from high-end recreational facilities and leisure complexes, where I was dealing with commercial swimming pools and water features. I was going to add all sorts of bells and whistles to make the service experience something more than it needed to be. Basically, after testing a few electronic and automated communication methods and customer access points - I came to the conclusion that I was wasting, time, effort and money.


The customer just wanted a clean, safe swimming pool - no hassles, no problems - just a clean, safe swimming pool.

Are your customers really that bothered about WHO cuts their grass?
Thats the thing Jeff, I'm not prejudice at all but in the lawn care and landscaping industry, when a HO sees this type of worker they auotmaticly relate it to cheap work price wise . . . i don't want that head ache!

I see what Ron is saying, thats why i say i fix that problem by not hiring any immigrant (no offense to any one)

DJ, I know what you mean I have a big problem with Illegals, I think they are a major cause of lower prices , wages, crime etc.

But who do you target? I know the richest, upper middle class & middle class neighborhoods, million dollar plus homes to $150K homes have Mexicans working on landscape crews. some are owned by Hispanics. Its just a given nowadays. Of course some may not hire those companies but I see very few, people know thats how a company keeps it affordable to do biz. I wish we could get rid of every illegal, I know our country would be better off

You have fleets of trucks, equipment and account after account the customer isn't going to relate it as cheap either. Might be your area but around here there would be some TALL grass if it wasn't for the Hispanics LOL

I' don't blame you for not hiring, it is a pain, not really knowing if they are legal or not. I pretty much stay away from them too. When Easy Pro has 6 trucks and trailers and are doing entire neighborhoods, there just might be a chance we some Mexicans driving in your trucks
