I have been busy, so I have not been able to post. Down economy and all...
There might be some bills that Kerry has gotten through,a nd he actually has gotten more bills through of varying significance, mostly minimal, since he has been in the senate. For what it is worth, he did get more bills passed than Cheney did. In some ways that is good, and some it is bad. It depends on your perspective. I found the following information on Kerry on various websites. Take it for what it is worth...
Kerry attendance records
Kerry votes for tax increases
Kerry votes for Tax cuts
Kerry votes on Social Security Increases
Twice For Clinton’s Tax Hike On Social Security Benefits.(H.R. 2264, CQ Vote #190: Passed 50-49: R 0-43; D 49-6, With Vice President Al Gore Casting The Tie-Breaking Vote, 6/25/93, Kerry Voted Yea; H.R. 2264, CQ Vote #247: Adopted 51-50: R 0-44; D 50-6, With Vice President Al Gore Casting The Tie-Breaking Vote, 8/6/93, Kerry Voted Yea)
Three Times To Keep Hike In Clinton Plan.(S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #57: Motion Agreed To 52-47: R 0-43; D 52-4, 3/24/93, Kerry Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 18, CQ Vote #59: Motion Agreed To 55-44: R 0-43; D 55-1, 3/24/93, Kerry Voted Yea; S. 1134, CQ Vote #169: Motion Agreed To 51-46: R 1-41; D 50-5, 6/24/93, Kerry Voted Yea)
Three Times Against Repealing 1993 Increase.(S. Con. Res. 57, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 50-48: R 49-4; D 1-44, 5/22/96, Kerry Voted Nay; H.R. 8, CQ Vote #188: Adopted 58-41: R 54-1; D 4-40, 7/13/00, Kerry Voted Nay; S. Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #94: Rejected 48-51: R 48-3; D 0-47; I 0-1, 3/25/03, Kerry Voted Nay)
Increased Taxes On Seniors Making As Little As $34,000 Per Year. “The 1993 budget deal - which passed by one vote, with Kerry’s support … raised taxes on millions of middle-income retirees, by subjecting more of their Social Security benefits to taxation. The hike amounted to at least several hundred dollars a year for elderly couples with incomes starting at $44,000 a year, or individuals making at least $34,000 a year.” (“The Debate: Sorting Out Fact From Fiction,” The Boston Globe, 4/10/96)
And Sen. Kerry Voted Against Balanced Budget Amendment At Least Five Times.(S. J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #24: Rejected 66-34: R 55-0; D 11-34, 3/4/97, Kerry Voted Nay; H.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #158: Rejected 64-35: R 52-1; D 12-34, 6/6/96, Kerry Voted Nay; H.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #98: Rejected 65-35: R 51-2; D 14-33, 3/2/95, Kerry Voted Nay; S. J. Res. 41, Roll Call Vote #48: Rejected 63-37: R 41-3; D 22-34, 3/1/94, Kerry Voted Nay; S. J. Res. 225, Roll Call Vote #45: Rejected 66-34: R 43-10; D 23-24, 3/25/86, Kerry Voted Nay)
Kerry accepts Chinese money
… and how can someone taking Chinese money for aid be trusted with National Security?
John Kerry voted against a bill banning computer generated child porn. One of only two senators. Joe Lieberman, who I typically like was the other.
Child Porn Bill DOA - S151, "The Protect Act," which includes Congress' attempt to ban “virtual,” or computer-generated, child pornography, passed the Senate last Thursday and has been sent to President George W. Bush for his signature. Once signed, the bill would go into effect on January 1, 2004. However, according to anti-pornography advocates, that's not necessarily a good thing because of the bill's flaws.
The Protect Act is a comprehensive child safety bill with some good provisions to strengthen sex offender laws, sexual trafficking, sex crimes against children, for national coordination of the "Amber Alert" system, sentencing reforms for sexual abuse crimes, and a host of others.
The bill also amends child pornography laws in an attempt to respond to the Supreme Court ruling last year that legalized "virtual child porn.” It aims to criminalize “a computer image, computer-generated image, or digital image that is of, or is virtually indistinguishable from that of, an actual minor.”
In the U.S. Senate, support for the law was overwhelming: 98 senators voted in favor. The two who didn’t vote at all are Sens. Joe Lieberman (D-Connecticut) and John Kerry (D-Massachusetts), who both have declared their candidacy for the presidency in 2004.
Kerry is not currently fulfilling his Senate responsibilities.
Kerry has abandoned his duties in the Senate by missing 87 percent of the roll calls this year and 64 percent last year because he was campaigning for the presidency.
Kerry has raised the most money through Lobbyists
Kerry really supports Unemployed benefits
Kerry wants to give the US military Autonomy up totally to the UN.
Kerry admits to war crimes
- Meet the Press, 5/6/01, John Kerry said, in an audio tape Tim Russert played from April of 1971, "yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions."
Admiral Zumwalt had concerns about Kerry, in particular.
- Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, is alleged to have said that during his own command of US naval forces in Vietnam, just prior to his anointment as CNO, young Kerry had created great problems for him and the other top brass, by killing so many non-combatant civilians and going after other non-military targets. "We had virtually to straight-jacket him to keep him under control," the admiral said. Available at
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit/archives/2004/02/11/2003098345 .
Consorting with the enemy, another War Crime
You will notice that I have substantiated almost everything. Some I did not because I got tired of the same old stuff. My bad...
IN his farewell address George Washington said...
"Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.
"whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in the exclusion of religious principle.
{George Washington Farewell address in William Benton, pub.,
The Annals of America, 21 vols. (1968-87), 3:612
Now here is the guidelines that I use in selecting a president.
1. Is he or will he try to subvert the principles that I am trying to teach my family?
2. Will he try to abrogate my rights to the basic precepts of Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?
3. Is he consistent in his convictions, whatever they may be?
4. Will other countries respect the US, and fear the consequences of any thign they do against the US?
5. Will the person try to insure the sovereinty of the US, or will he try to give it to other entities that I have no control over?
6. What is the likelihood of him getting elected
I have a few other basic things I look for, and for Me GWB is my man.
Scott Stone