Vote for John Kerry!!


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NAME: John Kerry

RESIDENCE: 7 mansions, including Washington DC, worth multi-millions.



I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my
career as a US Senator. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant
which I considered unsightly, in front of my mansion, thereby
endangering my neighbors in the event of fire.

I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the
military and service in Vietnam (as documented by the attending
doctor). I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting
the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed
atrocities and were baby killers. I threw my medals, ribbons, or
something away in protest. Or did I? My book; Vietnam Veterans
Against the War: The New Soldier shows how I truly feel about the
military. I deplore the military!

I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. Unlike my
counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get
admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A

I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no
real world experience except that of a gigolo, by marrying rich
women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.

As a US Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record,
exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently
failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets,
thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself. Although I
voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that
I voted for it. I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. I
have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes
significantly if I am elected.

My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he
will never catch up. I make no or little charitable contributions
and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA,
despite family wealth in excess of $ 700 million.

I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in
places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. We can make more profit from the
cheaper cost of labor in those Countries, although I Blame George
Bush for sending all of the jobs out of Country.

Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted
Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as
it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.


I ride a Serotta Bike.

My Gulfstream V Jet I call The Flying Squirrel.

I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the

I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real

I own several "Large" SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket
summer mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient
vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems.

In the effort to be correct, I think that Kerry did get his Juris Doctor degree. That makes him an attorney.

Now it is you who is distorting the truth. Let us be fair to John Kerry. His Hinckley yacht DID NOT cost $850,000. It cost only $848,900.
So are we saying ???????????????

Kerry has money right, This goes against him ? Seems unfair since the Bush fortunes well exceeds Kerry's.

Do you actually think Heinz did not protect their wealth when she married Kerry ? Come on guys, lets have an honest debate.
Great post Matt - Very interesting and funny.

I like what Bush is saying about small business.
One Call Power said:
Kerry has money right, This goes against him ? Seems unfair since the Bush fortunes well exceeds Kerry's.

Do you actually think Heinz did not protect their wealth when she married Kerry ? Come on guys, lets have an honest debate.

This is the most comical statemetn that you have made. You want it to be af air debate when someone writes somethign about your guy, but if it is a fallacious slanderous diatribe against Bush, it is fair game to be posted, with ZERO corroborating evidence. In the future, please corroborate anything you have about Bush through substantial links, and not some bush bashing site.

This should answer any questions you have about Kerry VS. Bush money. Hate to disappoint...
The first article outlines the Kerry family Fortune, since his mother was a Forbes, as in the sister of Malcolm Forbes,
The secodn article list his fortune with out his mothers trust fund, which I feel is kind of dishonest, and hair splitting. What it boils down to is that Kerry has a trust fund of around $11.5 million, with a tax free income, plus $365,000 taxable.
Curiously, his wife has a trust that is commonly acknowledged to be worth conservatively $1.2 billion. NO doubt, he also gets an allowance off of that.
Curiously, she only had $5 million in taxable income off of her $1.2 billion. That means that she is probably a horrendous money manager to only get one half of one percent income off of that kind of money, or is taking full advantage of tax laws to hide the maximum amount of income she can.
No one knows how much he got in the prenup. That is probably tied up with Teresa's trust fund, and will not come out until she dies, or they get divroced. It would not be out of the realm to say that he would get a minimum of 10% of any trust she may have.

One Question. What has George W. Bush done for the United States in the last 4 years ?

Lets hear it. And not some more of your right wing spin. I am starting to think you work for FOX. Only rule is you cannot use the War in Iraq, 9/11 or Afganistan.

Oh, and what is wrong with being an Attorney. Has anyone of you needed an attorney for any reason in your lives ? I bet you have.

I can say that you are right about the economics of each candidate, Bush lost everything in bad business deals. How do you sell a major league Baseball team and only have a net worth of 9 million ? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Can you say yee haw cowpoke.

We can debate, but lets debate honestly. No use of other web sites that only promote their own interest, Lets pick a topic and debate it honestly. Now back to you or anyone else answering the above question................
Well thank you for making rules. But you have to agree to one thing before I go on. Name one accomplishment of Kerry while he spent 19 years in the senate. One major bill he introduced, not co-sponsored. One significant piece of legislation, anything along those lines. I have been defending Bush against your diatribes, so before I go to any mroe effort casting pearls before swine, I want to know one thing that Kerry has done of significance as a Senator.
That is not the question

Answer the question on Bush first. This is exactly what I meant when I said honesty. I will respond to your question only after you have responded to mine.

Facts are facts and you are very good at distorting them. Answer my question first.

And on making the rules......If the 9/11, Iraq and Afganistan issue is the only one that Bush can run on.....Then that answers the question. Once again, he has done nothing for domestic policy. PERIOD.

All politicians flip flop, hell Bush ran in 2000 on the same issues he is running on now. What happened to the first 4 years ? NOTHING.
The reason most people are behind Bush is because of what he has done since 9/11. I think it takes a President with balls to run the country right now and he has proven to me that he's got a pair the size of Texas :D We aren't in any kind of economical upheaval, but we sure as hell are in a war with terrorists. It's funny how people forget 9/11 so easily, the reason 9/11 happened is because we forgot about the other attacks on the United States so easily. That is what they want, to lull us back to sleep.

There are a lot of political satirists that joke about how the Bush camp doesn't have anything to talk about but 9/11 and terrorism. Well those things are real and there really are more of those guys out there that want to kill Americans, even Americans like Micheal Moore and John Kerry. And guess what, 9/11 did happen and this is a different country because of it.

So what has Bush done for America since January 2001? I couldn't answer that, but I can tell you what he has done for America since September 2001.
There is a reason he won't. It is because he can't. Kerry has been noted for his ineffectiveness in the senate.

Things Bush has done Domestically:
enacted legislation and programs to make air travel more secure.
Has created approximately 12,267,000 jobs since he has been in office. That is an average of 278,795 jobs per month. The average number of jobs that need to be created to maintain is figured at 144,000 jobs a month. This is from Labor department figures.

Has done this even though there was a terrorist attack in the United States that severely disrupted the economy.

Average wages have gone up .30 an hour in the past year.

Maintained the increase of the consumer price index at what it was before he took office.

There are a few. You will notice I substantiated them, as usual.

Scott Stone

1. Bush will be the first President in 45 years to have a negative jobs growth during his term. PERIOD POINT BLANK. FACT

2. Bush has lost 2 million jobs since his appointment.

3. Just today, Delta doing away with 7000 jobs.

4. $.30 what in the hell is wrong with you. If you actually think this did some good, you need to take your pistola and place it carefully to your temple and pull the trigger.

5. Maintained the consumer price index. Scott you have along way to go to come up with a ligitimate worth while domestic policy achivement.


If you will honestly post a defeat on domestic policy, I will answer your questions. No beating around the bush for bush. Just admit he has done nothing on domestic policy in the 3 1/2 years of office and we can move on to the next topic being Kerry.
I have to admit that Bush has done jack sh*t for the country as far as the economy goes. You can look at the Dept of Labor website and see that all of the graphs are either down or at least just staying flat whereas during the Clinton era all of the graphs were moving up.

I guess the only reason that doesn't go against him is because there is something far more important at hand that most of America feels outweighs the economy. It is hard for me to look at this objectively as my business has doubled in size since Bush has been office so whatever economic lull the country is in has no bearing on me directly.

I can see that the graphs are not doing well I just don't feel it. Heck, the median price for houses in LA is somewhere around $450,000 and sales of these houses is out the roof so somebody is buying them up. Maybe the housing is different around the country but I cant see how the prices can be so high and so many can afford to buy them if they are not doing well.
Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I have been busy working in this down economy. ;)

1. Bush will be the first President in 45 years to have a negative jobs growth during his term. PERIOD POINT BLANK. FACT

2. Bush has lost 2 million jobs since his appointment.

Two points to say the same thing? It is not a fact until it is corroborated. I see ZERO corroboration here. You also need to get a basic understanding of the constitution, and inderstand that the President has never been elected by the popular vote. He has been elected by the electoral college. The vote in Florida was recounted 5 different times, and Bush won every time, although by a narrow margin. You need to get over it. All's the Supreme Court did was to uphold the constitution and say that the electoral college would stand. That is also why there are what are termed "battle ground states". These are the states that can swing the Electoral college either way, depending on how the popular vote goes for the president.

3. Just today, Delta doing away with 7000 jobs.
And Countrywide announced an additional 2500 jobs just in Arizona yesterday. Does Bush get credit for that?
4. $.30 what in the hell is wrong with you. If you actually think this did some good, you need to take your pistola and place it carefully to your temple and pull the trigger.
I will give you this one. I prefer not to put a gun to my head. I got a little over zealous, and did not fully analyse what I was saying.
5. Maintained the consumer price index. Scott you have along way to go to come up with a ligitimate worth while domestic policy achivement.
If everything was as terrible as you spell it out to be, the CPI would have taken a dive. Considering all that Bush has been up against, I would think that maintaining would be admirable.

If you will honestly post a defeat on domestic policy, I will answer your questions. No beating around the bush for bush. Just admit he has done nothing on domestic policy in the 3 1/2 years of office and we can move on to the next topic being Kerry.Now down to business.
There is no way I can honestly post a defeat on domestic policy. The main reason is that you are discounting the most significant and damaging attack the US has ever had happen, and am not allowed to use it.

I forgot one major accomplishment for Bush, he put in a tax cut. Typically, I like to document, not that it matters to you, because you apparently like to ignore all documentation, since you use absolutely zero documentation in your claims, but I assume that you remember the tax rebate check that you got last August. Interestingly, even with the tax cut, revenues went up. IN all honesty, they did go down in 2003 from 2002. They are still up from fiscal 2000, which would be the last Clinton year.,,id=97168,00.html
Click on the first category. I would attach the file but I can not attach this file type.

Another thing is that Homeownership is WAY up and interest rates are way down. In Maryland the increase in homeownership VS. renting is 6.7%.

Scott Stone

'One Call' rests his case - upon nothing. He is jerking your chain. Consider that his avowed purpose is "I love getting you guys/girls goin" (George...must go 9/5/04). This certifiable looney actually thinks someone might enter Peewee Herman as a write-in! To 'debate' with this person is tantamount to an attempt to present facts to a headstrong three-year-old. Not worth a response, however just letting you know that there are those who really appreciate your factual input. You have done your homework, and thinking people are the beneficiaries.

Tnx, Richard
Consumer Price Index.....

Lowest in 2 decades......Under Bush of course......

And you were saying. These again are facts from the labor dept. Oh, this is their graph.

The tax cut ? What tax cut. Here you have an out of touch with reality President that actually thought $400-$600 would boost the economy. They anticipated everyone using this money to invest. That is ridiculous. Even you propably know it takes at least $1000 to even get started in buying stocks or mutual funds. Again, Bush is not living in reality. And I would bet a weeks earnings that most paid bills with their refund.

Bush tax cuts-- proven failures

As Bush's numbers on the economy erode faster than the ozone layer, and with the horrendous job report that came out last week this time, it's now safe to say the tax cuts have been an abmissal failure, economically and politically. The NY Times wrote an article today, citing a report due out today from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The Times says that "fully one one-third of President Bush's tax cuts in the last three years have gone to people with the top 1 percent of income, people who have earned an average of $1.2 million annually."

Here's the real kicker: The report concludes that that "households with incomes in that top 1 percent were receiving an average tax cut of $78,460 this year , while households in the middle 20 percent of earnings - averaging about $57,000 a year - were getting an average cut of only $1,090."

Yes, the report supports Bush's contention that the tax cuts brought "some benefit" -- but not much of one -- "to people in almost all income categories." Folks who rank in the bottom fifth in annual income -- those averaging earnings of $16,620 -- enjoyed an average tax rate of exactly $250. "It's not just that lower-income people are getting smaller benefits,'' William G. Gale, a Brookings Institution tax analyst told the Times. "It's also that these tax cuts will eventually have to be paid for with either spending cuts or tax increases, and those are likely to be less progressive than the taxes they are paying now.''

Wow! So, let's get this straight: people in the top 1% are receiving over $75,000 more dollars from the government this year than I am. That coupled with the failure for these trax cuts to help businesses create any jobs, means they have been a total and complete failure.

This is an issue Bush will lose on, and it may cost him BIG in November.

I will agree that Homeownership is up. This is specifically not George Bush's accomplishment. If you know anything about the economy, you would know that Homeownership is increased by interest rates in which the Feds control. Not the White House, Not the Congress, but Greenspan. So why try and give credit when credit is not due.


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GW has done a few things, the rich got richer. JK, on the other hand, has succeeded in pissing off quite a few veterans, including me, and what he did after Vietnam, TO ME, is down right tratorous. We had POW's still in harms way with the VC and they used Kerry's words to further torture the POW's. Kerry knew we had POW's and he should have curtailed his remarks until the conflict was over. I very much like the senator from NC, Mr Edwards, and I like the knowledge of Mr. Cheney. This will be another election of voting for a vice president. We can debate for ever the merits and dislikes and failures of any candidate. The bottom line is I will not try to persuade anyone to vote anyway. It is YOUR VOTE, YOU choose to give it to the candidate that represents YOUR beliefs and interest. This election isn't the issue, the issue is after this election what will happen when Hillary steps up to the plate. Sometimes I thing the DNC put Kerry and Edwards up knowing that Busch will be hard to beat because of 9/11, Iraq, Afgan..., and want a so called clean slate to run Hillary in 08. think about it, this may just be the hidden truth.

vote your own way,

OK we have answered the question about Bush and you were right that the economy is in the toilet and Bush is to blame. Let us now get back to Scott's question:

"Name one accomplishment of Kerry while he spent 19 years in the senate. One major bill he introduced, not co-sponsored. One significant piece of legislation, anything along those lines. ... I want to know one thing that Kerry has done of significance as a Senator."

If you are going to persuade anyone to vote for Kerry, you are going to have to do more than point out Bush's shortcomings.