
Dan S

i opened my mail and had 24 messages which they all had attachments said that i sent them and it re-turned ....and i even had a guy e-mail me and said i senttt it to him and gave his #...... i have no-clue what happen something about "RED CODE " virus...... i didnt open any of those attachments ... and my norton is always open.... can anyone explain this to me??????? Ron some of them was from you from this site ... please check into this for me..... im not saying you sent me a virus .....but something happen.... anyone have a clue...


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This is Ron's Webmaster. The machine that this board runs on has anti-virus software running and I would know if there was anything on this board that was passing a virus along to any of the users.

You could have gotten the virus from almost anywhere though. They are getting worse and worse lately. Code Red and Nimda seem to be the bad ones at the moment. Can you tell me which software you use for your email? Do you use Outlook?

Mike Howerton I am not Dan S. but I do use Outlook 2002 with Windows 98 SE.

It caught that mail sent claiming to be from Dan yet I know Dan would never send stuff like that.

I as well as others would like to know all you have to say about Outlook 2002 and Norton Anti Virus.
i dont use outlook i use the one that comes with earthlink... and i never open anything from anybody i dont know.......i have no freakin clue what is up........since i had to re-boot my puter and reinstall windows 98 i only have 5 address bookmarked ....and Mark was not one of them... either was Jon.. so how in the heck did i send 'em..... my other contact which is my brother did not recieve these e-mails..and he is not on this board not saying nothing is from here i just dont understand it....... Scott stone isnt on my address either did he get an e-mail from me? how about anybody else.......

even when i go to my sent foldes there is nothing there.....
did you have problems with this virus? i have no problems and i dont have the most recent virus protections. i should thats for sure.

i got lots of e-mail from dan. i hope that i didnt catch anything. i gotta stop using my accounting puter online. i back up stuff, but not offen enough.
I haven't gotten any viruses off of the computer, now if I could avoid this darn cold that is coming my way...

i just did another scan and went and did a live up-date and ZERO. nothing detected.... so what the heck is up with all the e-mails??????


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There has to be someone hear that can tell me what the heck is going on...... i did another scan live .... no virus
i did this 3 times..... also did a de-worm from a antivirus site and i dont even have the worm ...... but i just logged on again and have 15 more re-turn messages that i never sent and they all say the same thing.... "directions" and a bunch of djhcskjh j kfhkjeshfkjhdskjvhsdkjhv,kjdh,keufkh,kkj vkjhvjkhfdskjfhdskjfhsdkjhdskjlfhsdkjfhsdkjfhalkjhakljfhsdkljfhdsklfjhfkljhds.............................SHIT................

now what ............. there has to be someone that knows what to do.....
Ron, no I got no virus, I deleted it without opening.


No one is blaming you, we know you are not sending stuff to us and we also know your only one on thousands those clowns grab Email addresses of and then use it to send out virus and worms.

Relax, getting upset is only going to slow you down and cause you to make errors on your computer as you repair and fix it.


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Dan I also received an email with the subject "directions"
it went on to say please give me your advice on this.

There was a file attached to it. Yes I just deleated the email.

It came from this email address. ( I put the ***** in)

I've been getting one of these every few days now.
Here's what I see:

If there is nothing in your sent mail then I would be skeptical that you sent the virus out, unless the virus has been written to not leave a footprint in your sent mailbox.

It is possible that if your mail is stored on a host server and you access your account (like a Yahoo or Hotmail type account) that the host server became infected and mass mailed everyone, which would make it look like you did it, when all that happened was the email propagated at the host.

You have scanned the hard drive multiple times with no results that show you have a virus. You have used the most current virus software and have installed the most current virus definitions.

You have not mentioned any unusual activity, as in PC degradation, corruption of files, or other behavior related to the hardware.

Given what we do and do not know I would suggest you continue to update the definitions (everyone should anyway) and run regular scans.

If you are feeling really unsure about your machine, you always have the option of backing up critical files (should be done anyway) and reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling windows and the other windows software. BUT.... I don't see that it is necessary if your scans were clean. Just something to think over.

Steve are you still getting them? thats my e-mail you mention.. but you are not even in my address bok so how did you recieve a mail from me? it had to take the mail boxes from here ... i cant see no other way... i naver even mailed you al all........ let me know if you are still getting them..........

nice post Beth but i still have no answer an what and how this took place .. i never opened any attachments.. and i dont use yahoo or hotmail i use the e-mail from my provider @ earthlink....
What I was getting at when I mentioned Hotmail, and Yahoo, is that the PROVIDER stores the email account on their server, all the addresses are there. Earthlink is the same way. You dial up, log in, and there is the mail. You don't necessarily have to have people inthe address book either. Even if you just have correspondence in a folder form someone it, the virus will go through and pick out each and every email. It will do that for everyone who has an email account stored on that specific server that is infected. Since it is stored on their PC it is their PC that is infected not yours, and the reason it looks like you sent the email is that it is sent by the host machine - their server. That's why there is nothing in your sent mail. Until they scan and clean the server, the problem will persist. I suggest you contact the technical support department.

Sorry if I didn't add enough explanation before, but this is what I was trying to get to. It's not your PC, it's their server.

You can stop worrying. Just don't open the email, and you will be fine.



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One more question....
Is there an attachment on the message?
The reason I ask is that it could be as simple as spam from a disgruntled Earthlink employee, or even a virus written by one...
Just a thought. Wouldn't be the first time it's happened.
Yes Beth it has an attachment . witha bunch of hkjh kjhkjhfhkjhfkjghflkjhgflkjhlkjh lkjfhglkjfhglkjh...

the only reason i knew that b/c i got an e-mail from earthlink says something about the message and where it came from the it showed the message... i neveropen the attachment but i jaust recieved phone cal from my friend and he said he just got a e-mail from me with the "directions".........

o- by the way you had a very informative post i didnt mean to let on that you didnt . im getting tired of this doo doo e-mail stuff.... i always do a scan check and a live chack and apparently i have nothing.......
I have searched the virus databases. I can't locate a virus with the keyword "directions". So, I can't tell you which one it is, but I feel pretty good that it is on the earthlink server, not your pc. See if you can get someone who got the virus to tell you what their virus software said it was. Surely one of them must know, since when software picks up a virus, it tells you what it is. That way you can download a fix for that specific virus, see if you have it, and if you are still clean then tell earthlink to clean off their server.

Let me know what you find. I'm here for you!

Beth, Dan S. is just having a mid-life crisis, nothing more, nothing less :)

He will get over it by his next Birthday I am sure.

Dan listen to the Lady, she knows of what she speaks.

Also I have not recieved anymore of that mail with your name on it so it could have ran its course and is over.


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Hi Dan S.
I'll let you know if I receive it again.
I will save it but not open it the file.
Maybe the IT guys were I work can find somthing out about it.


Thanks fellows......ahhhhhhhhhh and Beth too

It's refreshing to know that you r here 4 me............

Thanks Steve great idea i would love to find out what the heck that was............ keep in touch.