

New member
I just found this site... Pretty cool for video editing. I just made the video below.
I know I have to edit some split pics, add better pics, etc., but this was just a test run...
I just found this site... Pretty cool for video editing. I just made the video below.
I know I have to edit some split pics, add better pics, etc., but this was just a test run...

I started to use if like last month. Its a good tool. going to perfect my video more, buy a copy and use it to play for homeowners or actually load it up in emails I send to property nmanagers and such.

Good tools like this help us to accomplish our tasks in business.
I started to use if like last month. Its a good tool. going to perfect my video more, buy a copy and use it to play for homeowners or actually load it up in emails I send to property nmanagers and such.

Good tools like this help us to accomplish our tasks in business.
Let's see some videos!
Too busy in my humble opinion. Too much "flash", too loud, like MTV when they use to play videos. I didn't make it to the end of that video because I got bored with all the non-pressure related backgrounds and flashy look. views on videos in general - not just the one Mike posted.

For an effective video that people will actually finish watching and perhaps forward on o maybe even save, it needs to have Simple and STRONG Before and After pictures that are high quality, they must have strong visual impact to be effective. I don't want to spend time trying to figure out what was done or trying to figure out the difference between the two has to punch me between my eyes. If it doesn't - go take some that will.

If your intent is to get more business, focus on the service you want to grow. Property managers don't care how cool your video looks, they care about your company and the fact that you are competent and qualified to do the job and to make their lives easier.
Too busy in my humble opinion. Too much "flash", too loud, like MTV when they use to play videos. I didn't make it to the end of that video because I got bored with all the non-pressure related backgrounds and flashy look. views on videos in general - not just the one Mike posted.

For an effective video that people will actually finish watching and perhaps forward on o maybe even save, it needs to have Simple and STRONG Before and After pictures that are high quality, they must have strong visual impact to be effective. I don't want to spend time trying to figure out what was done or trying to figure out the difference between the two has to punch me between my eyes. If it doesn't - go take some that will.

If your intent is to get more business, focus on the service you want to grow. Property managers don't care how cool your video looks, they care about your company and the fact that you are competent and qualified to do the job and to make their lives easier.

I have to agree with Mike, plus much of it was just to dark to even see

Its a start keep working on it, good luck