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vent hood insurance

Big Dog

Hey guys,

Where can you get vent hood liability coverage? I called Joe Walters but they no longer have a provider.

Any Ideas....

Feel free to email me privately
I can't tell you where to go but I can tell you why you are having trouble.

Substandard work has resulted in losses that have caused the premiums to skyrocket. There are numerous multimillion dollar lawsuits pending across the nation directly attributable to substandard cleaning.

Look to the loss leaders and by all means feel free to express your gratitude.
I know what you are talking about, and can add another reason. Lawyers!
Short story, we had a customer, a McDonalds that had ductwork from three hoods running to one fan, a fan that was according to the manufacturer not intended for that purpose, (I talked to them myself). Semi adequate access, meaning if it had been cleaned regularly from the start it probably could have been cleaned from the existing access panels. When we got to it, it was so bad that we could not do an adequate cleaning without installing more panels, which they refused to do. We went on cleaning it, writing up reports stating the problems, and for a year the owner would complain because we would not give is system a clean bill of health so to speak.
Finally after a year he tells us he has found a company who can clean the entire system, and doesn't need us anymore. Fine with me.
A year later we get a letter from a lawyer informing us that this store had a fire, we may be held liable and to contact our insurance company. After some investigation of our own, we find out that the store had not been cleaned since we had last cleaned it 15 months ago, and that everybody who had anything to do with that store had gotten the same letter.
Well luckily we had documented everything and had signatures. We made a copy of everything, sent it to the lawyer and never heard from them again. After we contacted our insurance guy he informed us that he was getting out of the Grease biz and we had 3 months to get another carrier. I don't think this incident was the reason for loosing the insurance, I understand that would have happened anyway. Our carrier had already decided to get out of that part of the biz. Our only claim in 5 yrs was for a computer monitor that got wet from a leaky duct.
Now anytime someone tells us they are not using us anymore. We send out a friendly letter, explaining that as per our conversation on such and such date, we no longer are servicing that location, we give them the last cleaning date, and any deficiencies that their system may have, send it certified mail so we have documentation. Just attempting to cover our butt's
Oh and now if we run into a place with access issues we simlpy say this is what it needs and we won't clean it if you don't have this done. Some people understand and get it done, some call you names and show you the door, either way I'm off the hook.
I also agree with the substandard work issue too, I think we have all seen that.

I really respect your approach to clients that won't re-schedule, we too have developed a past due letter that we mail certified. I would like to see more cleaners send past due letters, I think it's professional and says a great deal about the credibility of a cleaner.

What do you think about a certifying body randomly and periodically checking the quality of a "certified cleaners" work ?
I don't know who would do that, PWNA already certifies contractors, but how much would it cost for someone or multiple people to travel over the country to check us out. Until such time as the certification program is recognized and no one can do business without one, there will always be someone doing business under the radar undetected, who's checking on that guy!
I met a guy who had his certification, and plans to take over the kitchen exhaust cleaning world, he wanted to have three truck on the road by the end of that year, he had a brand new full size chevy van loaded with equipment, most of which he will never use, and judging from his answers to my questions, he really had no clue what he was in for, and according to my Pressure Washer repair guy who set up his van the guy has no mechanical ability at all. I have never heard from that guy again.
Most of this business is the ability to adapt, and get around problems, if a guy has no mechanical ability, how good can he be.
I believe in a certification program, but it has to be recognized, do any of your customers know this program exists?
I also don't claim to have the answers, just stating my opinions
I don't know who would do that, PWNA already certifies contractors, but how much would it cost for someone or multiple people to travel over the country to check us out. Until such time as the certification program is recognized and no one can do business without one, there will always be someone doing business under the radar undetected, who's checking on that guy!
I met a guy who had his certification, and plans to take over the kitchen exhaust cleaning world, he wanted to have three truck on the road by the end of that year, he had a brand new full size chevy van loaded with equipment, most of which he will never use, and judging from his answers to my questions, he really had no clue what he was in for, and according to my Pressure Washer repair guy who set up his van the guy has no mechanical ability at all. I have never heard from that guy again.
Most of this business is the ability to adapt, and get around problems, if a guy has no mechanical ability, how good can he be.
I believe in a certification program, but it has to be recognized, do any of your customers know this program exists?
I also don't claim to have the answers, just stating my opinions
Hood Cleaning Insurance