Vegas RT

I too am now seeing this post and just returning from a little R&R,

Vegas was my first round table and it was definitely worth the trip.

Big, Big thanks to the Shelton family, talk about prep time, and being accommodating, you guys and girls are the best.

You treated this Caribbean guy like family. (Shelly your food was fantastic and thank you for being our designated driver, blessing upon you,your family and home)

It was truly awesome to meet business owners passionate about the same thing, bettering the industry and sharing knowledge.

Great meeting everyone.

(Tony, now you know am not hung up on my F250, :) )

Did you think the dd was sober? LOL
I met Ron for the first time in Vegas. Ron do you remember?
I met Ron for the first time in Vegas. Ron do you remember?


Was that you or Nigel?