Utube Video Permission?


New member
I always cruise around on Utube watching video's that some of you make. I have yet to make one myself, but it's gonna happen one day.
Just wondering if it was wrong for me to post someone else's video on my FB page to show my friends the kind of work I do.

I wouldn't take any credit for it, but would use it more of a demonstration. Make sense?

What's the moral thing to do, ask first or just post it up and smile?

I would ask permission as there could be all kinds of issues if not, maybe even legal issues.

There are some guys out there that have not only copied the videos of other contractors but did not change anything, the other company info is on the video so I don't know what they were thinking or trying to do.

I still have not made a video yet but want to. I would not take the chance and copy or borrow anyone's video without permission first, there are many ways to spread publicity about people stealing content, copying videos, copying sales literature, etc....on the internet that would get the word out rather quickly and can show up in their home town and hurt their image.