ufc 61 ?????

Just the opposite. I watched a Pride fighting championship where Shamrock asked for the towel to be throw in because he was too tired to even continue, this was after only a few minutes of fighting.

I think Syvia Arlovski coud go either way though.
Missed that one but I did enjoy the UFC series finale Saturday night.
Larry B said:
Just the opposite. I watched a Pride fighting championship where Shamrock asked for the towel to be throw in because he was too tired to even continue, this was after only a few minutes of fighting.

I think Syvia Arlovski coud go either way though.

if i were a betting man i would say "the animal" arlovski...but what do i know i am still pulling for shamrock "the most dangerous man in the world " to pull a comback ovet tito
It was good to see Ed get a contract. I thought the fight would have been a split decision. Looking at him and his family it is kind of embarassing that they are from Portland, just 45 miles away.
Yeah, Tank is still around??? Hadn't seen him since around UFC 10-20. I miss Don Frye and Dan "the beast" Severn. Couple good fights last night. I am pulling for Arvloski, and I think he'll win. I like Shamrock, but he is so cocky and that really makes you want to pull against him. Don't like Tito either. Haven't seen Vitor Belfort in a while, would like to see him fighting again.
Vitor has been beat badly lately. I think Arlovski will school Tim, he went for the kill and got caught. If Tito is healthy I think he will easily beat Ken. Ken is too one dimensional and old school (I like it, but not that effective anymore).

Tank is a great bar fighter and that is it!!! Entertaining, but I bet 8/10 heavyweights would beat him today.

Jeff Robison
Titan Exterior
I know what you mean about the old-timers, but those fights were more exciting IMO. Seeing a bar brawler nearly decapitate a kickboxing champion with a punch is awesome. Everyone now has developed this new "guard" style, and it can get boring (not always). I'd like to see Tank and Cabbage fight, two big punchthrowers with concrete jaws.
russ s said:
yup,he came out strong but got caught slipping and it was over quick...he still looks the same and still benches over 600 pounds

He came out and admitted the 600 was fake. He said honestly about 450. I am a competitive powerlifter and just did not see the shoulder development on Tank or the triceps for a 600lb bench. Nonetheless, I would not want to get hit by him!! He did have some VERY devestating knockouts. I too prefer the old UFC days. The newer fights are often like two Olympic level wrestlers, great wrestling, but boring as hell to watch!!

Jeff Robison
Titan Exterior
Whadya bench Jeff?? Do you do "normal" lifts, or things like Snatch, etc?? I'd like to think I am like the NFL players at camp....."maxing" for me is doing 225lbs to burnout. Lifting heavy just seems too hard on my body. How old are you Jeff??
Jon Fife said:
Whadya bench Jeff?? Do you do "normal" lifts, or things like Snatch, etc?? I'd like to think I am like the NFL players at camp....."maxing" for me is doing 225lbs to burnout. Lifting heavy just seems too hard on my body. How old are you Jeff??

Best competitive lifts have been 792 squat, 512 bench press and 733 deadlift. 275 or 242 pound weight class All in drug tested national level meets. I have been competing on and off since I was 15, I am 32 now. I have not competed in about a year and a half. Full time job, kicked the part time pressure washing thing off, wife in grad school, and 3 kids. Powerlifting kind of took a back seat, plus I was not getting much better like I had reached my potential. A ton of mental pressure, and wear and tear on the joints for a hobby!!!!!! Best 225 for reps was 34 back in the day. I focused primarily on doubles and triples for multiple sets and really just focused on weaknesses more than strengths.

Jeff Robison
Titan Exterior
Jon Fife said:
I know what you mean about the old-timers, but those fights were more exciting IMO. Seeing a bar brawler nearly decapitate a kickboxing champion with a punch is awesome. Everyone now has developed this new "guard" style, and it can get boring (not always). I'd like to see Tank and Cabbage fight, two big punchthrowers with concrete jaws.

what about butterbean the boxer?king of the 4 round fights
Jeff Robison said:
Best competitive lifts have been 792 squat, 512 bench press and 733 deadlift. 275 or 242 pound weight class All in drug tested national level meets. I have been competing on and off since I was 15, I am 32 now. I have not competed in about a year and a half. Full time job, kicked the part time pressure washing thing off, wife in grad school, and 3 kids. Powerlifting kind of took a back seat, plus I was not getting much better like I had reached my potential. A ton of mental pressure, and wear and tear on the joints for a hobby!!!!!! Best 225 for reps was 34 back in the day. I focused primarily on doubles and triples for multiple sets and really just focused on weaknesses more than strengths.

Jeff Robison
Titan Exterior

do you use a bench shirt or a squat suit.......i am not by any means a power lifter but i do lift....i weight 255....bench-415....squat-605...not sure on d.lift