I support Ron fully as he is one of the smartest guys in the industry, he has always given me good advice (even when I don't follow it all the time), he has always known what is going on even when the orgs attacked him and accused him of things that he did not do but knew how to fix the problem, etc....
I would make sure that all the empty promises that were made by Carlos were done finally like the non-profit status were finally met, the url handed over finally, the org handed over finally and everything else that should have been done years ago is finally done so that the org can move on without NO STRINGS ATTACHED to any of the dumbasses or clowns in the background. Now once that is finally done if it has not been done finally then it is time to make the org something that contractors will want to join and Ron can do that as he has the right approach and the real intellect to do so.
I would like to see real benefits for the members, not just blowing smoke up people's azzes, not making empty promises, not lying and getting caught in the lies, etc..... Real benefits for the members so that members will have a reason to join, not for a dumb logo or worthless meetings where you have idiots running around like high school cheerleaders that are clueless chanting the name of the org while looking stupid and people laughing at them and wondering why these idiots are trying to promote something so much that is totally useless in the eyes of most contractors.
Ron, you are the man to do the job, I hope you have time to get this worthless org in shape, make it something that I would like to join, give the members something of actual value for their money, give potential members reasons to join and do like what Chris L.'s org did, give out a lot of good forms, paperwork, manuals, etc.. that business really need and could use but are hard to find or take many years to make the hard way. The paperwork, forms and manuals is one reason that I would like to join that org as it has real value to me.