UAMCC BMP's Listed here

Regulators are not going to want to read about a feud.

When a UAMCC member discovers that they are facing new restrictive BMP's, it would be helpful if the agency pursuing that received a letter from the UAMCC explaining their concerns about environmental over reach affecting their local members businesses. Along with that letter, UAMCC's own BMP's could be included along with a list of other government agencies that have adopted them.

That would be far more effective than a single cleaning contractor fighting alone.

That would be easy, since there are a ton of city's using what we believe to be accurate an except able

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That's what we already do

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Testing you !!!

Here's the problem the program needs more awareness.

Let's draft the bullets points an have them install in the enviro team page on main website along with requirements.

Tony your team created a very responsible view if this an I think we are reinventing the wheel.

Let's better what we know is right an move forward.

I think the only thing missing not for AHJ but for our members is a basic guidelines on Bmp when none found , this way they can follow them

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Regulators are not going to want to read about a feud.

When a UAMCC member discovers that they are facing new restrictive BMP's, it would be helpful if the agency pursuing that received a letter from the UAMCC explaining their concerns about environmental over reach affecting their local members businesses. Along with that letter, UAMCC's own BMP's could be included along with a list of other government agencies that have adopted them.

That would be far more effective than a single cleaning contractor fighting alone.

Great info Philip, thank you.