ron p
What are you going to be washing ALAN ?
ONE TANK FOR SUPPLY about 45 min worth of wash time.
and 1 tank for recapture?
How big are the fuel tanks?
did you get extra filters,turbo rebuild kit,surface cleaner,duel lance,o rings,extra spray tips,a 12 volt flo-jet spray system,chem tanks, folder for MSDS paperwork,first aid kit,fire exstingusher,a spare tire,tool box,rain gear,battery charger,downstream injector- both for soap and acid, i dont even know the ware parts for the recoverey system,extra trigger gun,hose reels,garden hose quick disconnects,extra pressure QD, get stainless steel ones,loc tite,teflon tape,a vise,tools,exstension cords[GFI protected],
WD40,white lithem grease,oil filter,air filter,spark plug,motor oil,pump oil, these are just some of the things you will need.
If i were you i would spend the first day just putting a real good wax on all of my equipment
BEFORE it gets dirty.
Alen if you dont mind me asking what a rig like that set you back? $20,000