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Tsunami in Pacifica, Ca

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Downtown streets hit with a Tsunami wave.

Downtown businesses damaged - no big deal......

Oil spots from parking lots rinsed into the ocean - DISASTER!!!!!

Don't miss this opportunity - quick - bring all your vacuums to Pacifica and SAVE CALIFORNIA and make a fortune in the process (24 cents a foot!)
I can only wish for Hollywood and all it's wealthy no talent losers to be washed away and never heard from again. With all that is happening in this world the a$$wipe media is only concerned about these sycopathic idiots who give nothing back and contribute nothing to society. How many brave troops have died without a mention, but we all need to know if Lyndsy is going to jail for stealing a necklace or if Charlie really is a warlock !!!! If these scumbags get tossed into the pacific it will be the biggest contamination they ever had !!
The Sendai earthquake and tsunami are shaking things up a bit, and keeping the northern Pacific Rim on it's toes.:duck:
Ha ha Nick you have a problem in not telling everyone how you really feel...

That was some crazy footage in Japan. I really feel sorry for everyone who was caught up in the tsunami. It will be messed up for some time over there.