Too young for ink?

I served 2 combat tours as an infantry scout in some of the hottest spots in Iraq. I got a tattoo that reminds me of all that I went through, or maybe its my low self asteem. Anyways I think some tat's mean alot to the people that get them and some just get them because they look cool.
My rules were nothing before 18 and nothing that will show wearing a t-shirt and shorts. So far my sons haven't had any and it's been a while since they turned 18. No tats showing at a job interview.

I wonder how many Chinese get American tats? I don't get that part.

Just my opinion. And yes I have tats.

And thanks for your service Rob.
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Opinions are individual. In my interpretation or opinion, a tattoo, especially at that age is an effort to fit in. In my opinion, it is indicative of low self esteem. It is not always indicative of parenting. I have brothers that make some of the poorest decisions you could imagine, having been married 5 times, gone to jail for at least a year, and generally making poor life choices. Quite honestly, I do not doubt your parenting skills, because he came to you for advice, and because you are expressing concern. That is a huge thumbs up.

I'll bet you don't want to know what I think of profanity, either...

:eek: I hope I haven't dropped to many F bombs when we have talked on the phone in the past.
Ummmmmmm, your his dad, if you dont want him to have it just say no. When I tell my boys no, thats what it means, they wont just go out and do it anyway. My oldest is 24, fine upstanding man. He joined the Marines 4 years ago and got a butt load of tats...................his choice, his an adult. My twins are 17 if they got tats or peircings they would get their azz kicked 6 ways from sunday...........and they know it. If they want it they can wait till their adults. Poor upbringing, bite me.

10-4 ;)
If someone doesn't want my opinion, they don't have to ask.

And Scott, I don't think you have. I don't swear, and so people have a tendency not to swear around me. I prefer it that way.

I do find it interesting how many people feel it necessary to explain their reasons for getting Tattoos though. It is a personal decision that I do not understand. It is just something that I have never felt a need to do, and don't understand the need to do something like that to make a statement. I prefer to go and do something to try and make someones life better. That is something that I never have to worry about regretting.
tell him yes and go get a one with him it will be the turning point in his life and he will always remeber it and you when he sees it. but the back is cool.
I tell my sons (I have 4 of them( no tats will you live here.I think they are just a waste of money and are permanent.My oldest one is 17 and he asked the same question a few weeks ago.

I think when they are grown they can do what they want.

I saw a couple in the store the other day and the dad had huge gauges in his ears and the mom had tats all over her. The dad had the sleeves and the whole nine all up around his neck and such.They had a kid with them he was about 9 or 10.He had big black earrings in each ear.It was just odd to me.
I have 2 tattoos and 6 peircings (all above the neck). I would only suggest that if you decide to let him get one to make sure you research the artist. There are some bad artists out there who don't take the precautions necessary for a clean tattoo. I put both my tattoos where I can easily cover them up. One is on my the backside of my left shoulder and one is on my ankle. Most people don't even know I have them. They are visible when I go swimming and such. But when I get older and if I have "outgrown" them they are not right out in the open.

I think he is old enough, just make sure you discuss the size and location carefully with the artist before hand. You can even have them do a temp tattoo at some places to wear for a few days to make sure it is what he wants.