Too young for ink?

Mark 8262

Residential and Commercial Pressure Washing Specia
My son turns 17 on Wednesday and is wanting a tatoo for his birthday. He is a good kid but I'm not sure that 17 is old enough to make that decision. I have one, but I just got it last year. For me it was very personal and it is something to honor my dad who passed away in 2001.

He wants to get the chinese symbol for "like father like son" which is kind of cool, but I think that he may be getting that one because if it's about me he thinks I'll let him get it.

What do you guys or gals think? How young is too young?


  • Nick 1.bmp
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I dont have anything against tattoos at all. But being 17 you dont really know what you want. I would atleast make him get it where he could cover it up.
If he's like me when I was a kid, he'll just go do it anyway!
Hmmm. I dread the days when my kids become teenagers.. My wife got one when she was 22. She doesnt regret getting it, but she regrets where she got it. Its our 5 yr old name wrapped around her ankle.
Dont tell him no. Tell him yes, and you'll pay for it, as long as he gets it where you can not see it when he wears short sleeve shirts or shorts.

He will go do it anyways, if not now, then in a year when he turns 18, and 18 not much different than 17.

I personally dont like tattoos and when I have kids I will encourage them to go the piercing route instead, because at least those can be taken out and heal.

But I wouldnt tell him no.
Tough situation but I would have to agree with Scott except your son should pay.
I hate them. I don't understand why someone would do that to themselves, and think that it shows a poor upbringing and low self confidence. But I also think that Piercings show the same thing. Don't even get me started on Guages, where they put the big stupid holes in their ears. I mean really, do they think that they are going to want those stupid things in their ears when they turn 80?
I think that too often, when a kid gets one, especially under 25, that they are thinking about the here and now, and that it will be cool to express their individuality, by being like their friends, and forget that they are then not being an individual.

Sorry for the Rant, I just hate them, and have found very few people that did not regret them on some level, at some point in their lives.
... and have found very few people that did not regret them on some level, at some point in their lives.

Thats what I was going to say.... I woud tend to think most people regret getting them at some point in life. There are some die-hards but I would tend to think they are the minority.
Its a lifetime commitment

They don't go away and aren't changed easily. You could suggest a Henna type to try it out first. (Indian ink) They last a few weeks and then go away. Just a thought. Make sure he understands how permanent it is. He looks like a good, grounded kid, so if you trust in his decision making, let him. Of course a little parental guidance is still good at any age. I got one and other than a few cracks about what I got, I never regretted it. As long as it represents a connection between you two, and not some girls name, then he may treasure it forever. Talking with him about it is probably the best fist step, and like others said, he'd probably do it anyway. Voicing your fatherly concerns at least brings it in the open, and probably strengthens your relationship.:D
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My son turns 17 on Wednesday and is wanting a tatoo for his birthday. He is a good kid but I'm not sure that 17 is old enough to make that decision. I have one, but I just got it last year. For me it was very personal and it is something to honor my dad who passed away in 2001.

He wants to get the chinese symbol for "like father like son" which is kind of cool, but I think that he may be getting that one because if it's about me he thinks I'll let him get it.

What do you guys or gals think? How young is too young?

Show him this!! But if he must have one, father or mother is a good choice..
Scott, you need to relax. Poor upbringing and low self confidence!!! I have a lot of faults but being a poor parent isn't one of them and my wife is second to none in the mother department. I'm sure that all of the people on this site that have tattoos will be happy to know that you think they had a poor upbringing.
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Scott, you need to relax. Poor upbringing and low self confidence!!! I have a lot of faults but being a poor parent isn't one of them and my wife is second to none in the mother department. I'm sure that all of the people on this site that have tattoos will be happy to know that you think they had a poor upbringing.

I don't know what the law is in Al. ,but in Ga and FL you have to be 18 to get tattooed.I have a friend who owns 2 very nice shops that will not ink anyone under age.
Make him wait and remind him cheap tattoos aren't good and good tattoos aren't cheap.Not all shops use new needles every time and the risk of getting cheap work done can be hepatitis A,B as well as,AIDS and staph iinfection.MRSA can also be caught from dirty tattoo needles and equipment.
I have 7 tats(got them all around the age of 35)each makes a mile stone for that period in my life.I would have a full back piece,but the wife asked me to stop and I gotta keep momma happy:D
I had a great childhood and still got ink and yes even at 35 my mother(who pasted almost 4 yrs ago)was still less than happy.
Don't feel bad.. mine wants, of all things, a tatoo of a guitar scarring up his body for life. Like geez ya can't pic something with more meaning?.. Oh and he is 18 now and I aint much part of his daily life so I suspect next time I see him I'll have to say hi to the add on. luvely eh?
ps- that said, I got a big one going down my arm and er in Rockband that is.
Ummmmmmm, your his dad, if you dont want him to have it just say no. When I tell my boys no, thats what it means, they wont just go out and do it anyway. My oldest is 24, fine upstanding man. He joined the Marines 4 years ago and got a butt load of tats...................his choice, his an adult. My twins are 17 if they got tats or peircings they would get their azz kicked 6 ways from sunday...........and they know it. If they want it they can wait till their adults. Poor upbringing, bite me.
I got my first one @ 17 in the service. I got my last one 2 years ago at age 40. If he likes them it wont be his last.

Tats are not as permanant as they once were. For a couple of grand and 3 to six visits they are completely removable with laser treatments without scarring.

I am trying to remember my poor upbringing that prompted me to get my first tat???? I must have buried it in my subconscious...Oh great....Now I have to see a shrink
Hmmmm...I've got one, and my daughter asked for one for her 16th b'day. I saw nothing wrong at all with it. But that's just me...
Opinions are individual. In my interpretation or opinion, a tattoo, especially at that age is an effort to fit in. In my opinion, it is indicative of low self esteem. It is not always indicative of parenting. I have brothers that make some of the poorest decisions you could imagine, having been married 5 times, gone to jail for at least a year, and generally making poor life choices. Quite honestly, I do not doubt your parenting skills, because he came to you for advice, and because you are expressing concern. That is a huge thumbs up.

I'll bet you don't want to know what I think of profanity, either...
Like father like son. It is not a sign of trying to "fit in" it is a sign of his individuality. He wants to honor his Father the same way you honored yours.

You have already noticed that everyone has their own reason for it or against it on this thread. You can appreciate the "culture" of ink in a very tasteful way. Only you can decide for yourself if you think he should have permission to get one. Society still frowns on them in alot of areas of the country.

The suggestion was made not to go below the shirt sleeve line. Which is good advice IMO. Simply because of certain career choices that could prohibit him from landing that perfect job someday.

Personally, like I said above. it seems more of an individuality thing, not a "fit in" or "low self esteem" situation.

Obviously he doesn't want a swastika or something tasteless, but something to honor you.

I doubt that our boys overseas that are 17 and fighting in a war are dealing with low self esteem issues. More like inking themselves with their troop schemes or betty paige type ink or ink of the planes they fight this war in.

It's up to you to make the call. Or you can tell him to wait a year when he becomes of age and then decide if you're just not sure about giving him permission.
Trust when I say he is probably not "trend setting" but just discovering himself.